
Thursday, September 28, 2006

Howdy, Issue #400 is now online… READ IT AT: http://www.smokersclubinc.com Stealth assault launched on selling tobacco by mail. By Bob Barr. Tacking an anti-freedom tobacco measure onto postal-reform legislation takes a well-intended reform measure and turns it into a stealth assault on the principle that individual consumers should be able to decide for themselves what is and isn’t healthy behavior. ADHD: Lead exposure connected to ADHD. Nicotine: Helps Banish Depression. Target brain chemical imbalances. Pregnant Women: Puritanical drive for total abstinence. Pueblo Study Concludes that Smoking Ban Reduced Heart Attacks by 27%; Conclusion is Premature and Based on Shoddy Science. Lifestyle Fundamentalism. By Dwight Bitikofer. Health is the new religion. Voices that would legislate the populace into compliance with community standards for healthy living are the new moral authority. Social Engineering: WHO: Fight against chronic diseases, obesity can use anti-smoking campaigns as models. Editing out history. By John Patterson. The more we occlude people's understanding of what our grandparents once believed about minorities, homosexuals, Jews, women - and, yes, I suppose, cigarettes - the longer it will take for those attitudes to die for real, and not merely to be censored from cartoons. Defiance: The head of a smoker's rights group vows he'll take as many fines as it takes to wall-paper the walls of the Smiths Falls bar he leases space in. Mike Kennedy said he will continue operating until he's "taken out in handcuffs." "Big Auto" Sued California filed a lawsuit against the six largest automakers operating in the United States, contending that car and truck emissions are causing global warming, injuring the state's environment, economy and endangering public health. AND International News, State and Local News, and Updates!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Howdy, Issue #399 is now online… READ IT AT: http://www.smokersclubinc.com It's Time to Talk; Tobacco Control Movement Must Open Itself Up for Discussion with Critics. By Michael Siegel. The tobacco control movement has become increasingly insular, blindly dogmatic, and incessantly closed to questioning of both its scientific claims and its policy prescriptions. SmokeFreeOhio: Apparently Admits Inaccurate Claims in Fact Sheet, But Retains and Adds Even More Fallacious Ones. Without Sufficient Evidence, At Least 25 Anti-Smoking Groups Claiming that Secondhand Smoke Causes Emphysema Hypersensitive gripes don’t trump our rights. By Richard D. Sloan. Government’s duty is to protect our liberties, not take them away. Let the free market settle the smoking ban debate. By Greg Beutel. Be suspicious when you hear businesses referred to as “public places,” when they are in fact private entities. The Canadian Smokers Rights Newsletter. Canada: Antismoking Extremist Lloyd Carr Fired. Canada: Hotel wins battle over smoking law. Guernsey: PM's wife Cherie Blair fights ban. France: Argues about banning a public ritual. India: Don't blame stars for teen smoking. Iraq: New government says NO to ban. Malta: Fuming about the smoking ban. Singapore: Australian woman arrested. UK: Hospital smoking ban row. UK: NHS cuts halt cigs crusade. UK: Smoking ban views sought. Drew Hastings on Comedy Central. Sean Penn is stirring controversy. Please Buy This Shirt Thank you!

AND International News, State and Local News, and Updates! Yours, Samantha

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Howdy, Issue #398 is now online… READ IT AT: http://www.smokersclubinc.com Carbon monoxide may help prevent debilitating pregnancy condition. The study was precipitated by the fact that mothers who smoke cigarettes during pregnancy have a 33 per cent decreased risk of developing pre-eclampsia compared to nonsmokers. Parkinson's disease: New research suggests that nicotine treatment protects against the same type of brain damage that occurs in Parkinson's disease. Cigarette can offer relief to patients' stressed-out loved ones. If you segregate smokers to where they can smoke but not get their fumes around others, what is the harm? Nicotine may improve the symptoms of depression in people who do not smoke, Duke University Medical Center scientists have discovered. "The same areas of the brain that are stimulated by nicotine appear to be involved in the regulation of mood." Higher Nicotine Levels in Cigarettes May Be Beneficial. Published research studies and analyses of smoking behavior have indicated an inverse relationship between nicotine concentration in cigarette smoke and the amount of smoke that smokers actually inhale. Dogs and pollution and asthma, oh my! Children who live with dogs in smoggy areas coughed significantly more, produced more phlegm and contracted bronchitis more often than those who live in homes without dogs, according to the research. Cured meats may reduce lung function. Previous studies have found a link between processed meats and cancer, but this is the first one to show an affect on lung function in humans, according to Barr. Getting It Wrong On Ground Zero Health. By Michael Fumento. A co-author of this study, Dr. Philip Landrigan at Mount Sinai, is the probably the nation's leading proponent of environmental illness. Another co-author, Jeanne Stellman, has been an influential (and heavily criticized) advocacy researcher on Agent Orange and dioxin since 1986. The EPA's Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Standards, Lung Disease, and Mortality. By Jerome Arnett. EPA’s PM2.5 regulations are a tragic failure of public policy that are shown to have no basis in science and thus are not saving lives or preventing illness. Tasmania: Launceston says NO to ban. KY: Shelby County says NO to ban. MI: Oakland County says NO to ban. Busybody politicians, get off our backs. By John Stossel. The people who have the biggest passion for restricting other people's behavior are the very people we should worry about most. Unfortunately, they keep running for office. Some of these silly laws are old, but dumb as they are, they are still on the books. The bureaucrats' bad ideas never go away AND International News, State and Local News, and Updates! Yours, Samantha

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Howdy, Issue #397 is now online… READ IT AT: http://www.smokersclubinc.com In Calling for FDA Legislation to Reduce Nicotine Addiction, Anti-Smoking Organization is Full of It; And Devoid of Integrity. By Michael Siegel. What's far more important is that we restore some integrity to the movement. I should be able to wake up and feel proud to be a member of the tobacco control community, not ashamed.

South Carolina: The state won't let communities enact their own no-smoking laws, despite efforts by lawmakers in the two largest cities - Columbia and Charleston - to do just that. Tom Oyler: Is there a new edict that what goes on in the classroom stays in the classroom? Lately, I have the impression that the little one has been told not to discuss with adults what she is being told in the classroom.

Now It’s Official Beer is Good for You Increasing receptors in brain could decrease alcoholism More on Alcohol Obesity pandemic looms More on Fat THE ANTI-TOBACCO RECIPE FOR SUCCESS 1. Choose an industry. 2. Regulate the industry. 3. Tax the industry. 4. Sue the industry. When one source of money dries up, return to Step 1 and repeat. By S. Phillipe AND International News, State and Local News, and Updates! Yours, Samantha

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