The United Pro Choice
Smokers Rights NewsletterAugust 31, 2007 - Issue #448
"If you're going to kick authority in the teeth,
you might as well use two feet."
- Keith Richards |
Rolling Stones. Back on the Smoking Ban Defiance Super Highway: The United Kingdom, Canada, Scotland, Switzerland.
Bill of Rights Unchangeable. By Ronald E. Smith. It really perplexes me that people believe that the Bill of Rights can be changed, altered or abolished by government, or even by ourselves.
Smoking Bans. By Ryan M. Dixon. So, "No. You do not live in a Democracy. You live in a Republic. Please, stop spreading lies."
Hillary Clinton lavished praise on New York City's tough anti-smoking laws yesterday - and said she supports smoking bans in public places across the country.
Racial Discrimination And Substance Use. Found African Americans experiencing racial discrimination were more likely to report current tobacco use or recent alcohol consumption and lifetime use of marijuana and cocaine.
From The International Mailbag | The Canadian Smokers Rights Newsletter.
Australia: Violence fears over jail move to ban smoking.
Israel: Airport B-G's Terminal 3 has three smoking rooms.
UK: Happy 100th Birthday Winnie Langley!
UK: When even flowerbeds start to order us around...
World: Altria Group May Announce International Unit Spinoff.
World: Goodwood Festival of Speed, a "pro-smoking event."
IL: DeKalb City Council rejected ban delay request.
IL: High court again voids $10.1 billion ruling in Philip Morris case.
IL: How to Catch a Wild Hog. By Lowell E. Hedges.
MA: Appeals court upholds dismissal of tobacco lawsuit.
MA: Pittsfield private clubs and organizations, ban talks.
MD: Baltimore City Council approves smoking ban delay.
MS: Eatery Group Files Suit over Smoking Ban.
MS: Smokers being wronged by city. By Steve Sweet.
ND: Fargo Ban vote not likely this year.
NY: Study: Asthma rates high for 9/11 workers.
SC: Petition opposes Surfside Beach smoking ban.
TX: Fort Worth still allows bar smoking, and other places.
TX: Kaufman last hearing September 17.
TX: Rowlett Council puts off smoking ban vote.
VA: Norfolk Officials discuss idea of regional bans.
WA: Hookah bar owners vow to fight smoking ban.
WA: Yakima Eagles fought the state, city for 18 months.
WI: Walker toughens Milwaukee County smoking ban.
WV: Kanawha County Parks taking ban a step further.
WA: Kanawha smoking ban proposal debated at hearing.
WV: Putnam says NO and reverses smoking ban.
WY: Legislators look at statewide smoking ban.
Defiance And Ban Damage Hurts Everyone | DC: Clubs Open Roofs, Remove Walls to Circumvent Ban.
IL: Gilman fencing in smokers. Yeah, really.
KY: Some restaurant, bar owners are burning up cash to stay open.
NJ: Hilton, Resorts begin voluntary downsizing program.
NY: Anti chases smoker with a knife.
NY: Store clerk charged in phony burglary.
Australia: Smoking Ban Takes Toll On Casinos.
Canada: Rook Billiard Club gone because of the ban.
Canada: Man shot and killed for not giving up a cigarette.
UK: After the smoking ban - the bars that emptied.
UK: Smokers targeted by drug dealers says landlord
UK: Storeys Amusements employee sacked for a break.
UK: Woman raped after smoking spiked cigarette.
Sweden: Woman must sit on an X in her own yard to smoke.
The Slippery Slope After Tobacco | Disney Smoke-Out in films. it's time for us all to pipe up.
Diesel exhaust lawsuit by prostate cancer victim.
Jesus Smoking Picture shuts down newspaper for one month.
New Passports RFID chips wide open to hackers.
Smokeless Tobacco. Does the Times Understand the Difference? |
Read Michael Siegel: The Rest of the Story |
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# posted by Samantha : 12:41 PM
The United Pro Choice
Smokers Rights NewsletterAugust 24, 2007 - Issue #447
"A judicious man uses statistics, not to get knowledge, but to
save himself from having ignorance foisted upon him."
- Thomas Carlyle |
The Smoking Ban: Still a Heated Debate, by Brooke Gowen Smith, Beverage Media Group. David W. Kuneman, Director of Research of the Smoker's Club, tells Beverage World readers, in an interview, that bans do indeed harm business.
Cars With Kids: NYC's Next Smoking Ban? "My premise here is that secondhand smoking science is junk science," Nolan flatly told ABC News, claiming that information has been "cherrypicked" so that the federal government can make sweeping conclusions about the dangers of secondhand smoke.
Debate on lower drinking age bubbling up. Proponents say current restriction drives teen alcohol use underground. Opponents of the idea point to a reported rise in binge drinking as teenagers increasingly turn to hard liquor as proof that minors should not be allowed to drink.
From The International Mailbag | The Canadian Smokers Rights Newsletter.
Canada: Supreme Court Oks Gvts Shooting Wildly In The Dark.
Canada: Exasperated tobacco growers plead for help.
Denmark: Soeren Hoejbjerg protest in Copenhagen's main square.
UK: May Scrap ID Cards, will do nothing for security.
USA: Your health is the government's business.
AL: Decatur, Kyle opts not to veto smoking ordinance.
CA: The El Cajon City Council calls for smoking ban.
CO: Judge overturns ruling that law is unconstitutional.
CO: Judge says owners can be cited only once a day.
DE: Two DE Resort Towns Consider New Smoking Bans.
IL: They may talk about it but they haven't LIVED it yet.
OH: A brazen new take on the underground concert house.
OR: Tobacco giants RJR and PM take up fight to squash tax.
NV: Inspectors to cite individuals violating ban in restaurants, bars.
SC: Secondhand Smoke, Firsthand Ignorance. The Southern Avenger.
Defiance And Ban Damage Hurts Everyone | NJ: Kevin Lipka and the Smiles II go-go bar update.
OH: The Lime Spider in Akron closes in September.
NJ: Trump calls for repeal of casino smoking ban.
NV: Herbst Gaming revenue jump goes up in smoke.
Canada: Cheers, a landmark watering hole taps out.
UK: Is this the end of English literature? By A.N. Wilson.
UK: More Ban Damage: Ban causes 'havoc' on the street.
The Slippery Slope After Tobacco | Beer Tax: A proposal to raise WI beer tax, first time in 38 years.
Breast Implants Linked to suicide, psychiatric disorders, and...
Flaming pyjamas, poisoned trousers from China.
Regulation of food advertisements, presidential report. |
Comedy Week |
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# posted by Samantha : 10:00 AM
The United Pro Choice
Smokers Rights NewsletterAugust 17, 2007 - Issue #446
"The whole world is about three drinks behind."
- Humphrey Bogart |
Johnson & Johnson Sues American Red Cross. The health-products giant that uses a red cross as its trademark, is suing, demanding the charity halt its use of the red cross symbol on products it sells to the public.
Pittsburgh casino owner Don Barden doesn't plan to ban smoking on the casino floor... or even offer a nonsmoking section. "For us to declare our facility a nonsmoking facility would not be a prudent business decision, considering that a large percentage of our customers are smokers," Barden said in the letter.
Tax Bottled Water?! Ald. George Cardenas (12th) wants to slap a tax of up to 25 cents on the cost of every bottle to help close a $217 million budget gap. “People enjoy jogging or driving with a bottle of water. There’s a cost associated with this behavior. You have to pay for it,” said Cardenas, one of Mayor Richard M. Daley’s staunchest City Council supporters. Cardenas noted that there’s a nearly $40 million shortfall in the city’s water and sewer funds, in part because of a decline in water usage.
Antis: What to expect. The Cold Sharp Slap Of Reality.
From The International Mailbag | The Canadian Smokers Rights Newsletter.
UK: Happy 107th Birthday Mabel Goodings.
UK: Smoke rebel Hamish Howitt voted out of Pubwatch.
UK: Observations and updates after the first month.
AL: Decatur smoking ban now in Mayor Don Kyle's hands.
CA: Capital, L.A. ban smoking in parks.
CA: Nevada City postpones decision on smoking ban.
IL: Hazy future seen following the 2008 smoking ban.
ME: State supreme court requires arbitration for tobacco settlement.
NY: Council Seeks New Ban on Smoking by Parents in Cars.
OR: Cash Cow Protest flyers and posters to print out.
OR: Cigarette tax hike to pay for Healthy Kids Plan?
SC: The Surfside Beach move is legally questionable.
TX: FW residents receive calls in fraudulent survey.
TX: Large tobacco settlement falls short, no golden egg.
VA: Norfolk Alert. City officials pursue restaurant ban.
WV: Kanawha County bar owners fight smoking ban.
WV: Putnam clarifies effect of ban issues.
USA: Edward M. Kennedy pushing the FDA Fiasco.
USA: Halt to 'female' Camel No. 9 cigarettes sought.
Defiance And Ban Damage Hurts Everyone | NY: Robert Thorpe opens his yard for smokers to use.
SC: Charleston Bartenders Talk About Smoking Ban Headaches.
Australia: Smoking bans take heat out of gaming machine market.
Finland: Rocker Ville Valo has hit out at the smoking ban.
Sweden: Woman smoker dies in tragic holiday accident.
The Slippery Slope After Tobacco | Obesity, Stigmatized and social attitudes. By Stephen Helfer.
Polluted air so bad,school tells everyone to move out of the CA town.
School Bus Fine particulate matter may influence birth weight.
Sunbathing, obesity, alcohol and smoking lifestyle changes demand. |
Citizens Freedom Alliance, Inc. |
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# posted by Samantha : 8:12 AM
The United Pro Choice
Smokers Rights NewsletterAugust 10, 2007 - Issue #445
"The crisis you have to worry about most
is the one you don't see coming."
- Mike Mansfield |
The Slippery Slope of Nanny-State Politics. By Jeffrey A. Singer. First our government “protectors” take away the rights of property owners to decide whether they will allow guests to smoke in their restaurants and other private business establishments. Now, before the smoke has even had a chance to clear, our “parents” are tur ning their attention to what we choose to eat. Soon there will be no activity that “free” American adults can engage in that will not require the prior approval of nanny-state bureaucrats.
Bomb threat and white powder sent to Nashville's court clerk over the smoking ban. State trial court administrator Larry Stephenson said the letter came from a Tennessee prison and the writer was angry about not being allowed to smoke. The inmate has not yet been identified.
From The International Mailbag | The Canadian Smokers Rights Newsletter.
Australia: Victoria nightclubs not enforcing the ban.
France: Raises the tobacco taxes by 6%.
Germany: New smoking ban in place but already not working.
Pakistan: ITP to educate people about smoking ban.
UK: Flouting the ban, rebel landlord, and more.
HI: Gray Area with State Smoking Ban on Federal property.
IL: Last call for stogies at Chicago steakhouses.
IL: Smoking banned at Bears Soldier Field home games.
IN: Franklin restaurant owners fight smoking ban.
MS: Pascagoula Council mulls smoking ban.
NH: State still debating enforcement of smoking ban.
PA: Neighboring residents of UPMC criticize hospital smoking ban.
SC: Careful Conway, ban benefits yet to be seen.
TX: Federal lawsuit challenges Houston's smoking ban.
TX: Restaurant Owners Want Fort Worth Smoking Ban Done Right.
VA: We Will Fight! Small town justice is a joke.
WV: Putnam County Extinguishes Smoking Ban, it was invalid.
USA: FDA Fiasco heads to the Senate floor.
USA: More Marriott Smoking Ban Fury, $250. for odor?
The Slippery Slope After Tobacco | Alcohol. Drinking even in moderation increases bowel cancer risk.
Arse Cancer caused by sitting, say docs. (Comedy)
Blindness caused by smoking. Anti campaign hitting the press.
Coffee. Harmful chemicals and not everyone likes that smell.
Men who smoke compromise well-being and quality of life.
Obesity. Workers are told to shape up or pay up real money.
Sock puppets and dancing are illegal in NYC in the public view.
SUVs. The actual directions, How to ban SUVs from city streets. |
Smokers Rights Newsletter Encyclopedia |
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# posted by Samantha : 9:26 AM
The United Pro Choice
Smokers Rights NewsletterAugust 3, 2007 - Issue #444
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible
will make violent revolution inevitable."
- John F. Kennedy |
Lighting up at the movies. By Jacob Sullum. If anyone is making smoking seem cool, it's self-righteous busybodies like Stanton Glantz.
In the Name of “Public Health.” By Jacqueline S. Homan. In the rush to pound the public health pulpit, Antis would have the public at large in a panic over the “dangers” of ETS. Let us analyze a few real threats to public health that are not based on junk science and fuzzy math, and see how they stack up...
75 percent of Americans overweight by 2015. "Obesity is likely to continue to increase, and if nothing is done, it will soon become the leading preventable cause of death in the United States."
Tobacco may help fight cervical cancer. The tobacco-based vaccine still in the works would cost an estimated $3 for three doses, compared with $360 for three doses of Gardasil. This would make it affordable for developing countries like India, where the disease is the most common malignancy among women.
Glaxo in Nicotine Drug Pact. The agreement gives the European drug maker access to Targacept's neuronal nicotinic receptor compounds, including an experimental drug in midstage Phase II clinical trials for acute postoperative pain.
Anti-Smoking Campaign Achievements Exaggerated. Korea. "It's excessively political to only emphasize decrease in men's smoking rate since the recent trend is that smoking rate amid women and teenager is on a significant increase,'' Choi said.
From The International Mailbag | The Canadian Smokers Rights Newsletter.
Australia: 14 smoking mums fined for smoking in cars.
Western Australia: Outdoor smoking ban inevitable.
Bahrain: Malls ban on smoking is stepped up.
Demark: Against Ban, 700 bar owners legal challenge.
Germany: A ban comes into force in three of the 16 federal states.
India: Delhi High Court reserves order on smoking in films.
Scotland: Plan to ban 'traditional' cigarettes in drive to cut fires.
UK: Government "duped by fake and twisted science."
IA: Des Moines Smoking wars move into condo complex.
IL: Tax bill has shown true colors and why there is a rush on it.
NV: Smoking foes questioning Nevada tax breaks.
SC: Issac J. Bailey, Smoking ban not the way to go.
TN: State updates on Congress, tax, ban, drinkers.
USA: Federal Tax, SCHIP, update on cigarette tax.
Defiance And Ban Damage Hurts Everyone | DC: Late-night noise at Jack's draws neighbor protests.
NV: Barkeeps ways to keep smoking without running afoul of the law.
TX: Beaumont Smoking ban has many businesses in the hot seat.
UK: James Oyebola dies by gunshot while enforcing the ban.
UK: Call Paul Toole for the Protest March on August 11.
The Slippery Slope After Tobacco | Alcohol: 100 a day admitted to UK hospital over drinking.
Office printers health risk, should come with a health warning.
New Gallup Poll Reveals that Nearly Half of Smokers Feel Discriminated Against As a Result of Smoking Restrictions. |
The Club Forum is now 96 Forums listed on one page.
Post at topics with everyone, and in geographical areas to talk with other local smokers. |
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# posted by Samantha : 7:55 AM