The Property Rights Newsletter
July 31, 2009 - Issue #533
"Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous,
that there will be no cakes and ale."
- William Shakespeare | Ron Paul: Moving Towards Tobacco Prohibition. The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act will give sweeping new powers over tobacco to the FDA. It will require everyone engaged in manufacturing, preparing, compounding, or processing tobacco to register with the FDA and be subjected to FDA inspections, which is yet another violation of the Fourth Amendment. It violates the First Amendment by allowing the FDA to restrict tobacco advertising in multiple ways, as well as an outright ban on advertising any cigarettes as light, mild or low-tar. The FDA will have the power of pre-market reviews of all new tobacco products, and will impose new user fees, meaning taxes, on manufacturers and importers of tobacco products. It will even regulate the amount of nicotine in cigarettes.
FDA wrong about e-cigarettes, says FDA study. So what justification is there for distorting the evidence and deceiving the public about a product that has the potential to save lives? There isn’t any. This is nothing more than scare mongering on the part of the opportunistic health nannies at the FDA and their shills in the media.
Government anti-smoking efforts not as effective as first thought. There is evidence, again ignored by the CDC, that little to no connection exists between state spending on tobacco control and the degree to which residents smoke.
Soda Tax: This soda tax scheme is the latest to surface as liberals scramble to try and figure out how to pay for their proposed government take-over of health care.
Beer, Wine, and Spirits Tax: State Budgets Get Boost from Alcohol Tax Increases... will lawmakers be willing to stand up to the powerful lobbying of Big Alcohol?
Kreepy Killer Kornflakes! By Michael J. McFadden. The news story below is factual. It is not a satire. It is not made up. It is about a real study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology which found that eating a bowl of cornflakes induces the same sort of "threat" to the heart as Otsuka et al found in their famous "30 Minute Heart Attack" studies. IN: The city of Elkhart is considering extinguishing its smoking ban.
MN: How successful have ban laws been in the Twin Cities area?
MO: Premium Cigar Store Owners Unite to Fight Proposed St. Louis County Ban... minorities have rights and smokers are a minority.
NY: Aiming Wide in City War on Smoking, disgusting displays in stores. IN that case, how about taking this approach even further? Why stop with cigarettes?
SD: State says NO and smoking ban is back on hold.
Czech Republic: Clarify smoking legislation but total ban still long way off. As any visitor to Prague already knows, smokers are mostly free to light up anywhere and anytime they want in Czech bars, pubs and restaurants.
Denmark: Smokers: The war is in progress. Soren Højbjerg may well understand that you can be bothered by the smell when you are not themselves smoke. But on the other hand, one can not expect that you will never feel anything from a neighbor. | | Join FREE - Home - Events - Forum - Videos - Please Help - © |
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# posted by Samantha : 8:19 PM
The Property Rights Newsletter
July 24, 2009 - Issue #532
"Smokers are now the only minority whose minority
status is quoted as justification for abuse."
- Joe Jackson | Obama Lied! By Michael J. McFadden. Obama said, and I quote exactly as you can see in the original clip, "The only tax change I've made in the 6 months I've been here is to cut people's taxes." He said that - despite the clear and recorded fact that he raised cigarette pack taxes by 150% and raised the tax on one of the poorest well-defined minority groups in the country, smokers so poor they roll their own from shreds of tobacco and scraps of paper by OVER TWO THOUSAND PERCENT (from $1/lb to $24/lb).
Taxation without Representation Unfair to Internet Retailers. The power to tax is the power to destroy. Thus, as Shughart concludes, "The Internet is one critical constraint on that power."
Electronic Cigarettes and the FDA: FDA Lunacy: Product We Know Will Kill 400,000 People This Year - APPROVED; Product that May Well Help Prevent Many of Those People from Dying: BANNED. By Michael Siegel. In fact, the factor that makes the electronic cigarette so apparently effective is the precise factor which makes it so distasteful to anti-smoking groups. These groups just cannot tolerate the idea that a smoker would continue to go through the act of smoking. The issue of whether or not the behavior is orders of magnitude safer is not relevant in the anti-smoking mindset (or in the FDA's mindset, apparently). All that matters is that the smoker achieve abstinence. And it is not abstinence from nicotine they are talking about. It is abstinence from the act of smoking. HI: Smokers uniting to fight taxes, bans. By Kawika Crowley and Jolynn Tenn. Smokers and bar owners are angry. We have had enough and we will vote in unity.
MO: Ban May Be Up For Vote Tuesday July 28 in St. Louis County.
USA: Recommendations from the RWJF to Build a Healthier America. #6. Become a smoke-free nation.
Germany: Schoppmann's Smintair airline to offer smoking flights. UK: WHY ARE ALL THE PUBS CLOSING? ASK PEOPLE WHO NEVER GO TO THE PUB. As it was revealed that 2000 pubs have closed in the last year, non-pub goers said their community would not be the same without the local pub they never went to.
Save Our Pubs and Clubs: 52 pubs are closing EVERY WEEK.
Inez Ward: Unite and Justice for Licensees hold talks with Kevin Brennan MP.
Watch the new Phil Williams video: The Green Party.
Freedom2Choose: NRT: Studies Destroy “Four Times More Likely To Quit With NHS” Claim.
Freedom2Choose: Read the blog. Dead Certainties - Second Hand Shite.
Forest: 30th anniversary reception and photos.
Ban Damage: Boy, 14, collapses after chewing nicotine gum equivalent to 180 cigarettes in just 25 minutes... handed out at school. | | Join FREE - Home - Events - Forum - Videos - Please Help - © |
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# posted by Samantha : 3:56 PM
The Property Rights Newsletter
July 17, 2009 - Issue #531
"If I knew for a certainty that a man was coming to my house with
the conscious design of doing me good, I should run for my life."
- Henry David Thoreau | Public letter to The Smoker's Club and you the readers... By Brett Mauser. You are our last hope. Not just for smokers, but for every citizen in this country. Something must be done. And you are in the position to do that something. Our freedoms, our liberties have long been under attack. But for the last several months, there has been a direct assault on everything this country's founding fathers believed and held sacred.
A Challenge to ND's Antismokers: By Michael J. McFadden. Is Deede telling the truth? There’s a very simple test: Deede should push to have Fargo’s smoking ban rescinded and thereby prove the truth of her statement to the rest of North Dakota, as the state would watch Fargo’s restaurants, bars and everyone else continue to ban smoking on their own without the law. On the other hand, if she’s NOT telling the truth, then she’ll resist any efforts to rescind smoking bans because she knows full well just how unpopular they actually are. So how about it, Ms. Deede? Care to stand behind your words? Or were you just blowing smoke?
From Michael Siegel: IN MY VIEW: Effectiveness of Nicotine Replacement Therapy Needs to Be Re-Examined
New Study Shows that At Least Two-Thirds of Patients Receiving Placebo in "Double-Blind" NRT Trials Know they are Receiving Placebo; Finding Casts Doubt on Conclusions Regarding Effectiveness of Nicotine Replacement Therapy
New Study Shows that Use of CT Scanning is Not an Effective Screening Tool for the Early Detection of Lung Cancer
Even With Warning Labels, Propaganda About FDA Legislation Has Been Over-Hyped
The Second Hoax of the FDA Tobacco Legislation: Consumers Will Now Know What is in the Smoke that They are Inhaling
Pharmaceutical Money-Related Bias in Smoking Cessation Research is Now Readily Apparent; New Article Demonstrates How This Bias Pushes Medication
Watch: The great ban loophole of Minnesota Smoking performance video
Patrons of Barnacles on Mille Lacs Lake found a loophole in Minnesota's Freedom to Breathe Act, which banned smoking in bars and restaurants.
Update MN: Appeals Court: Bar Violated Smoking Ban.
CA: A Modest Proposal: Mandatory Deposit for San Francisco Butts. Why not call it a tax? Because, if it were called a tax, it would be illegal.
CA: Government anti-smoking efforts not as effective as first thought.
CA: IPCPR Fights California Tobacco Tax Proposals.
ND: Seeks to Increase Taxation, Control of Tobacco Statewide.
USA: Pentagon Says NO to Ban on War Zone Smoking. Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell says troops already are under enough stress and making enough sacrifices from fighting two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
USA: Obama's reform: Systemic danger once again. By Pierre Lemieux... government intervention into the economy.
The Canadian Smokers Rights Newsletter, read all the news.
Bavaria: Says NO and yet another ban bites the dust. Colin Grainger said, "Amendments to stupid statutes happen all over the world, all the time. If the Germans, the Dutch, the French, the Italians and the Spanish can all have sensible smoking restrictions, why can't we? Are you listening, politicians? We can change this divisive ban and restore choice. Yes we can. Make it so."
Netherlands: Dutch bar owners winning battle against smoking ban.
UK: Videos from the UKIP "Save our pubs" meeting held in Norwich. | | Join FREE - Home - Events - Forum - Videos - Please Help - © |
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# posted by Samantha : 3:49 PM