
Friday, September 25, 2009

The Property Rights Newsletter September 25, 2009 - Issue #541 "It is a paradox that every dictator has climbed to power on the ladder of free speech. Immediately on attaining power each dictator has suppressed all free speech except his own." - Herbert Hoover
UK NHS antismoking ads: This past week took things to a new level though as the Antismokers' highly paid PR machine produced a slick special effects video showing what fun it is to literally beat a smoker to a bloody death.... NHS Birmingham East and North is hoping the campaign will get through to "hard to reach" smokers – specifically white males aged 35-55 in the C2DE socio-economic category – living in the most deprived parts of the area. WHILE... Anger as visitors flout St Richard's Hospital smoking ban at hospital. "It is not just the visitors, people are sat outside in wheelchairs smoking. I have complained several times to the reception staff, sitting literally two metres away from the smokers, who have informed me they are aware of the problem but there is nothing they will do about it." Smokers are standing underneath the banner which says no smoking.
From The Mailbag
NY: Mayor Doesn’t Always Live by His Health Rules. HE dumps salt on almost everything, even saltine crackers. He devours burnt bacon and peanut butter sandwiches. He has a weakness for hot dogs, cheeseburgers, and fried chicken, washing them down with a glass of merlot. And his snack of choice? Cheez-Its. NY: Anti-Smoking Groups' Scientific Arguments Don't Hold Water. WV: Health Board says NO, Votes Down Berkeley County Smoking Ban, and Butch Pennington Smokers Rally. The board also felt that the issue was a matter of freedom of choice, and if people don’t like to be around smokers than they should stay away. Scotland: National Association of Cig Vending Machine Operators. South Africa: Smoking laws... the new apartheid. By David Bullard. UK: Campaign alert with artist David Hockney and Simon Clark. UK: Simon Eldon-Edington, California dreaming - about the ban. USA: When you thought you'd seen it all... Jon Stewart on ACORN. The World: The myth of the smoking ban health miracle. By Christopher Snowdon. Restrictions on smoking around the world are claimed to have had a dramatic effect on heart attack rates. It's not true. Although the story quickly went around the globe, no one seems to know where the figure came from. It’s all rather strange. Basing journalism on anonymous sources is commonplace in the world of politics, but it is surely not necessary in the realms of science.
Top Ten Reasons Not to Raise Tobacco Taxes John Nothdurft, The Heartland Institute.
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Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Property Rights Newsletter September 18, 2009 - Issue #540 "Ignorance is an evil weed, which dictators may cultivate among their dupes, but which no democracy can afford among its citizens." - William Beveridge
An Absence of Tobacco Evidence. By Patrick Basham, Cato Institute. The government knew that this claim, and the evidence that it was based on, was not true. Recently released DoH correspondence shows that the government was told in a March 2009 email that removing tobacco displays in Canada 'has not caused a decline in tobacco sales or discourage[ed] kids from smoking'. Yet, the anti-tobacco lobby continues to push for even more far-reaching tobacco control legislation. This past week, Action on Smoking & Health (Ash) trumpeted a new study about the influence of tobacco packages as proof that putting all tobacco products in plain packages was now required. Ash's Deborah Arnott told the BBC that: "This research shows that the only way of putting an end to this misleading marketing is to require all tobacco products to be sold in plain packaging." What Arnott did not tell the BBC was that she and Martin Dockrell, Ash's campaign manager, were not only two of the authors of the very study they so fulsomely praised, but Ash, along with the DoH, paid for the study. Global Tobacco Control Will Be Exposed. Former tobacco control frontman David Goerlitz has published further exposure of the corruption and appalling practices that continue to jeopardise the tobacco control industry.
From The Mailbag
Budget, Avis Rental Cars: Beginning Oct. 1, Avis and Budget will become the first major rental-car companies to ban smoking in their entire North American fleets and to impose a cleaning fee of up to $250 on customers who smoke in the cars. CA: Jury orders Philip Morris to pay $13.8 million to Bullock. FL: Hav-A-Tampa shuts its factory and lays off about 495 employees, closing a factory that has been operating since 1902. NY: Bloomberg says NO and backs away from park ban idea. PA: IPCPR Urges Lawmakers, Governor to Reduce Spending. WA: Spokane says NO. Park Board has reversed its springtime decision to phase in an outright ban on smoking in parks. Croatia: Says NO and smoking ban is watered down by the govt. UK: Smokers Rights News and articles from Freedom2Choose.
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Friday, September 11, 2009

The Property Rights Newsletter September 11, 2009 - Issue #539 "No single raindrop believes it is to blame for the flood." - Anonymous
Champix Kills: But Don’t Tell The Smokers! By Chris Holmes. How stupid are you, all you medical professionals who are just sitting on your hands and pretending it is okay to keep taking the incentives and keep your mouths shut about killer drugs like Champix? You keep pretending nicotine replacement is a real medication even though you know it doesn’t work at all, you keep prescribing Prozac and Seroxat even though we all know now that they didn’t perform any better than placebos in the trials… Your professional credibility is rotting away even as I type this, and the stench of your corruption is making even the most conservative of patients wince. If you continue down this road there will BE no medical profession, it will all become Medico-Pharmaceutical Inc. WHO Admits to Releasing Pandemic Virus into Population via 'Mock-Up' Vaccines. The swine flu vaccine has not been tested for safety or efficacy, but we DO know it will contain harmful additives.
The FDA - Electronic Cigarette Fiasco
Electronic Cigarettes and the FDA. The FDA is wrong about e-cigarettes, says FDA study. FDA Scientists Accuse Agency of Corruption, Intimidation. Leaders of the House Energy and Commerce Committee have written to von Eschenbach, saying that the scientists' letter provided "compelling evidence of serious wrongdoing." Electronic cigarettes -- No smoke, but plenty of heat. Also, Siegel said, e-cigarette users aren't inhaling potentially thousands of harmful chemicals into their bodies, as they do with tobacco. "From a public health standpoint these devices are potentially life saving," he said. E-cigarette debate: Anti-Smoking Groups Argue that E-Cigarette Use Leads to More Smoking by Sidetracking Smokers Who Would Otherwise Quit. Once again, the logic of this argument by anti-smoking groups eludes me: If a person switches from cigarettes to electronic cigarettes, he or she is no longer a tobacco-dependent person. He is no longer a smoker. So e-cigarette use doesn't increase smoking, it decreases it. It doesn't create new customers for tobacco, it reduces tobacco use. Ash Refuses To Debate Electronic Cigarette Issues. "ASH has entirely failed to respond to these issues. Instead, ASH has used emotive language, accusing us of writing a "nasty" letter and of being a "bully". In our opinion, their use of emotive phrases is an attempt to change the debate from one based on the issues to one based on emotion." A LOT MORE articles about E-cigs from this Newsletter. The Smoker's Club product review on electronic cigarettes.
From The Mailbag
DC: ALERT: Proposed Ban on Sales of Single Cigars. KS: A Bar Owner's Plea to Glenn Beck. By Sheila Martin. KS: IPCPR Says No to Proposed Topeka Smoking Ban. KS: Salina Smoking ban violators cited, Labor Building Social Club. WA: Rain City Cigar Celebrates America with Cigars for Troops. UK: Would an alcohol advertising ban work? UK: The Lion Moves. By Pat Nurse. She is also relieved because she says her thriving packed pub, full of atmosphere, began to die immediately after the ban. The income raised at the festival will ensure that she can survive yet another lean winter. UK: UKIP Update. A symbolic victory has been won at the UKIP conference where 90% of delegates voted for a motion to end the huge drain on public finances and the political power of the unelected Smoke Free quango.
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Friday, September 04, 2009

The Property Rights Newsletter September 4, 2009 - Issue #538 "Whenever the government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force." - Thomas Jefferson
USA Legal Challenge to FDA. Commonwealth Brands, Inc. has today joined with a number of other companies including the R.J.Reynolds Tobacco Company, Lorillard, Inc. and Conwood Company in filing an action in Federal Court against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration regarding the recently enacted Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act. This action is designed to protect the plaintiffs' First Amendment right to free speech.
USA: Don't Tread On Me Flag Sales Up 400%. Using the Gadsden flag to voice one's attitude about the government is an example of our first amendment rights and how we live in a country where we are free to voice our opinions which is what our founding fathers created this flag for in the first place. Don't Exhale: EPA Expected to Declare Carbon Dioxide a Dangerous Pollutant. The Environmental Protection Agency is expected in the next few weeks to declare that carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases are pollutants, a move that would require the federal government to regulate them -- even without legislation. That's just the start, however. Aides say later rules will extend to other sources and require a permit from the EPA to build anything that emits more than 25,000 tons of these pollutants. That could include schools, nursing homes or a Walmart.
From The Mailbag
KS: ALERT: Gov. Mark Parkinson said he will push next year for a statewide ban on smoking indoors in public places, and he may work to raise the state's tax on cigarettes... SC: Freedom organizations in Lexington County plan on dethroning Council Members who voted for ban. The five who voted for the ban are chairman Debbie Summers and council members Bill Banning, John Carrigg, Smokey Davis and Johnny Jeffcoat. Scotland: No 'same again'... it's water for you! The move, which was today branded "ludicrous", has been introduced as part of the Licensing Act which comes into force next week, aimed at tackling binge drinking.
Tim Hawkins funny video, "The Government Can." THE UPRISING! A chilling video from puppetgovcom.
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The Property Rights Newsletter August 28, 2009 - Issue #537 "The essential characteristic of socialism is the denial of individual property rights." - Ayn Rand
OH: Cigar Store Owners Support Appeal of Smoking Ban Enforcement Case. McCalla says the IPCPR, an association of some 2,000 small-business owners of retail smoke shops and premium cigar manufacturers and distributors, is not against an individual business owner’s right to ban smoking on their premises. “When government decides to run those businesses by telling the owners they can’t allow smoking there, it steps across the line of freedoms as established by the constitution. If you don’t want to be with smokers, don’t go into an establishment that allows smoking. Period,” he said. Tea Party Commercial: Well worth the watch, don't miss it. What you can do to protect your rights – or expect to loose them! By Robert Deitz. Maybe you have other ideas? Share them with people – but most importantly just do SOMETHING. Write a letter or e-mail right after reading this. Then do it again next week. Then get better at it by next month! Hand this out to people who are smoking at the curb at the Airport, not spending money inside! The New Federal Tobacco Tax: Who Loses? By David Weeks, National Center for Policy Analysis. Using tobacco tax increases to fund health care for low-income children is a bad idea. As the taxes imposed on tobacco products increase, revenues are likely to fall - requiring increases in other taxes. In addition, small businesses and their employees are likely to suffer, and the impact on public health is likely to be negligible, or even negative.
From The Mailbag
KS: Sheila Martin's letter to the VFW Posts Statewide. KS: Topeka Ban Alert, Editorial: Let market rule. MI: Bill lets MI towns decide on restaurant smoking. WA: State Tobacco Shipping Ban, for residents it's total insanity. Africa: Nigeria, Tasks before the new CBN Deputy Governor. Canada: Move over Mediterranean diet. The Canucks are coming. Canada: Plainclothes officers eyeing downtown litter scoff laws. UK: Uses the Norfolk VA, USA ban reversal as an example. World: Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids Undermines International Tobacco Control and Displays Blinding Hypocrisy. By Michael Siegel. On the one hand they are telling other countries they must adhere to the FCTC treaty. On the other hand, they negotiated and supported legislation that puts the U.S. in violation of the treaty.
Grow Your Own Tobacco. Fed up by expense, smokers grow own tobacco. Seed suppliers report a tenfold increase in sales as many seek cheaper fix.
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