The Property Rights Newsletter
November 27, 2009 - Issue #548
"If you make any money, the government shoves you
in the creek once a year with it in your pockets,
and all that don't get wet you can keep."
- Will Rogers | Taxing "Sin Foods": Obesity Prevention and Public Health Policy. Obesity thrives in low-income communities where the quality of food and built environments is poor. Interventions that have been shown to improve those environments include subsidies to farmers’ markets and more healthful school lunches, as well as investments in the creation of bicycling and walking trails. If taxes on sodas or similar foods were delinked from the presumed effects of these taxes on obesity or health care costs — effects that manufacturers may well dispute — they could instead be implemented on the stronger grounds that these foods impose societal costs, so those who profit from them should repay society by investing in the populations most affected by obesity. We believe that a revenue-generating approach that redirects “sin taxes” toward improving the food and built environments of low-income populations has the greatest potential both to lead to healthier food choices overall and to reduce disparities in obesity rates.
1. Choose an industry.
2. Regulate the industry.
3. Tax the industry.
4. Sue the industry.
When one source of money dries up,
return to Step 1 and repeat.
By S. Phillipe GA: State bans smoking in mental hospitals. Some mental health experts challenge the wisdom of taking away a coping mechanism from a person already in emotional distress.
IL: Chicago Bars letting patrons smoke despite state law banning it.
NY: Six Years After Ban, Smoking Returns to NYC's Bars and Clubs. The worst kept secret in New York nightlife is that smoking is now allowed in numerous nightspots.
NY: NYC Council Bans "All" Flavored Tobacco Products; Well... Not Exactly... Exempt are the Products Which are Actually Used by Thousands of New Yorkers. By Michael Siegel.
OH: Fuming Over Fines. In the three years Ohio has been smoke-free, not a single building has qualified for the ''private club'' exemption, according to state officials, leaving some clubs like the VFW Post 1090 in Warren expressing outrage and frustration.
USA: Miss Kitty has been Cigar Dave`s Assistant Producer for over 13 years. Dial the Show and ask a question dealing with Cigars at 1-888-Smoke-This.
USA: Watch: What is America's true form of government?
UK: December 1, 2009 at Boisdale Belgravia, Cigar aficionados light up while they bid over £150,000 at UK cigar auction.
UK: December 7, 2009 Saving The Great British Pub. Freedom2Choose will be joining the protest march in London. |
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# posted by Samantha : 8:44 PM
The Property Rights Newsletter
November 20, 2009 - Issue #547
"The Hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who,
in time of moral crisis, maintain their neutrality."
- Dante, "The Inferno" | Tobacco Retailers Challenge News Reports on Roll-Your-Own, Pipe Tobaccos. The International Premium Cigar & Pipe Retailers Association came out swinging today by challenging news reports regarding the labeling switch of some roll-your-own tobacco brands to pipe tobacco by their manufacturers and claims that pipe tobaccos, which have been flavored for more than five centuries, are designed to appeal to minors. "The anti-smoking forces once again are getting their underwear in a twist by reaching for straws in their attempts to besmirch our mom-and-pop members," said Gary Pesh, president of the IPCPR. Pesh also is owner of a chain of retail tobacco stores in Virginia. "We the retailers didn’t make the marketing switch and we never market to or sell any kind of tobacco products to children."
American Cancer Society Lying to Public While Playing Politics; Does the Truth No Longer Matter? By Michael Siegel. It is also not true that the tobacco companies have long used the flavors banned by this legislation to lure kids to start smoking. There was one episode in which R.J. Reynolds introduced a few candy-flavored cigarette varieties but these were removed from the market. Other than that, the only flavor that has long been used by tobacco companies to lure kids to smoking is menthol. An that's not covered by the ban. So the American Cancer Society is full of crap when they assert that the cigarette flavors they seek to ban have long been used to lure children to start smoking.
The puritanical agenda behind the crusade against smoking. By Basham and Luik. Preventing people from smoking in public was never about real health risks - that is, it was never about protecting non-smokers so much as it was about stigmatising smoking and smokers and making it difficult for them to smoke. So with the science of second-hand smoke now never discussed, the anti-tobacco movement feels confident in moving the argument forward and revealing the starkness of its real agenda.
IA: West Burlington bar owner Duncan ready for day in court.
KY: Crestview Hills urging Boone, Kenton and Campbell County fiscal courts to adopt regional legislation prohibiting indoor smoking in public buildings.
MS: Senatobia Aldermen say NO, extinguish smoking ban in city.
OH: A group of Ohio hospitality industry business owners and concerned citizens met last Friday to discuss allegations of election fraud surrounding the SmokeFree Ohio Petition Initiative in 2006.
SC: Florence City Council says NO, votes down proposed ban.
SC: Greenwood’s ban being ignored in bars. Antis not happy.
SC: Richland County, Bingo fight lights up over smoking ban, Two competitors sue each other. County has issued no tickets.
USA: Shoot the fat guys, hang the smokers. By Joe Bageant.
USA: United States Marine Corps 234th Birthday Tribute.
Beware the Adverse Effects of Cigarette Taxes on Kids: Study Suggests Anti-Smoking Groups Should Re-Think Their Knee-Jerk Support for Tax Increases.
UK: If you own a pub in the UK, join the Pub Revolution.
UK: NHS Trust Removes Latest Anti-smoking Propaganda. | The Smoking Ban song
By Terry and the Gang
(Caution: contains strong language.) | Join FREE - Home - Events - Forum - Videos - Please Help - © |
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# posted by Samantha : 5:38 PM
The Property Rights Newsletter
November 6, 2009 - Issue #546
"Smokers being forced outside.
Abuse is abuse, no matter what the excuse."
- Nick Melnyk | Michael Siegel - Tobacco Policy Blog:
Op-Ed in NY Daily News Exposes Misleading Scientific Claims of Anti-Smoking Groups; Now Health Groups, Not Just Big Tobacco, are Deceiving the Public.
Published Study Shows No Effect of New Zealand Smoking Ban on Acute Cardiac Events During First Year; Study Not Considered by IOM Committee Report.
Data from Australia Show No Effect of Smoking Bans on Heart Attack Admissions.
Anti-Smoking Researcher Claims that Smoking Bans Reduce Heart Attacks Within Minutes of Implementation.
More: The Rest of the Story: Tobacco News Analysis and Commentary. Michael Siegel has 20 years of experience in tobacco control, primarily as a researcher.
AL: Florence Smokers ignore the park smoking ban.
CA: A new kind of smoking gun. Transfer DNA tracing resources from murderers and rapists... to smokers?
IN: Given the IndyStar's editorial position, I challenge it to stand by its beliefs and show its dedication to the truth with two acts...
KS: Topekans Against The Ban. IT'S YOUR PROPERTY.
MO: St. Louis County, lots of exemptions including casino floors.
USA: THE TOBACCO DANCE. By Felt Lair, 1998. We are engaged in another Civil War... both sides can get nasty at times.
USA: Covert smoking ban promoter RWJF president, Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, is on list of visitors to Obama White House.
Ireland: Smoking rate soars up to one third the Irish population, despite the smoking ban and higher taxes.
UK: Confessions of a fashionista: As I brush cocaine off the fax machine, I don't think my office cares about the smoking ban.
World: List of Smokers Rights and Property Rights groups. | Fun: Watch: The Fun Police. You have been warned.
Nanny: Watch:'s Nanny of the Month for October 2009.
Neighbors: Watch: Rush Limbaugh - Health Hysteria in America. | Join FREE - Home - Events - Forum - Videos - Please Help - © |
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# posted by Samantha : 5:37 PM