The Property Rights Newsletter
March 26, 2010 - Issue #563
"The right to be let alone is indeed the beginning of all freedom."
- Justice William O. Douglas | By Phil Williams
United Kingdom Regional Director
Citizens Freedom Alliance, Inc.
Video: Pubs are dying because of one thing, the smoking ban. Scrap the unjust and unwanted smoking ban, and the pubs will recover immediately. Had the majority of customers really wanted smoke free pubs, then pubs would've voluntarily gone smoke free to cater to that demand. The fact that they didn't is proof that such demand never existed. And remember, in a free society, landlords would still be free to CHOOSE to remain smoke free if they so desire. And the law could serve to protect their choice.
Video: Save the children. The smoking ban ushered in an increase in drink spiking. Women forced to go outside for a smoke were made all the more vulnerable to sex offenders who could easily spike their unattended drinks. Not content with aiding rapists, the anti smoking lobby are now trying to help peodophiles gain access to children.
By Theodore King,
Citizens Freedom Alliance, Inc.
Listen: War on Smokers and the Rise of the Nanny State. American Freedom Radio. "When people begin to accept dictates from governments of what they are not supposed to say and do, for their own and collective good, they begin to forget all the liberties that previous generations knew. The Nannies are out to remake our society, and smokers are their lab rats."
Big Pharmaceutical: Three B.C.women file class action lawsuit over Pfizer quit-smoking drug. Champix causes depression and suicidal tendencies. "Champix was sold in Europe and the United States for about a year before it was put on sale in Canada, and in that year there were reports of psychiatric side effects and suicide, and yet the warnings are very mild on the Canadian product." Klein hopes to either see Champix withdrawn from the market, or to have the warnings significantly strengthened on the drug. Pfizer has not yet filed a statement of defence in the class action suit. | The Research of David Kuneman | Join FREE - Home - Events - Forum - Videos - Please Help - © |
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# posted by Samantha : 4:48 PM
The Property Rights Newsletter
March 19, 2010 - Issue #562
"Write something worth reading or do something worth writing."
- Ben Franklin | Report From The TICAP Conference: The Hague! By Michael J. McFadden, Citizens Freedom Alliance. The Conference was a great success! To the future... We have the truth and the facts on our side, while the power of the antismoking industry is based only on money and lies. We CAN beat them! Keep on fighting!
Another Published Study Finds No Evidence that Smoking Ban Resulted in Short-Term Decline in Heart Attacks. By Michael Siegel, MD, MPH. Negative Finding Doesn't Stop Researchers from Telling the Media that They Found an Effect. Why bother doing the research if you are going to tell the media the same thing no matter how the study results come out? In addition, the study itself uses misleading, inappropriate, and non-scientific language in describing its findings. How does this get past the peer review of the journal?
Columbia Study as Corrupt Misuse of Junk Science. “Nothing in the study justifies this erroneous conclusion. It is prejudicial and preconceived, thereby justifying the labeling of the survey as being a corrupt misuse of junk science,” said Chris McCalla, legislative director of the IPCPR.
Cigarettes might be infectious. And, presumably, people wouldn't need to light up to risk getting sick. The idea that tobacco might contain viable germs isn’t just idle conjecture.
Four Members of FDA Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee Have Received Pharmaceutical Money; Influence of Industry on FDA Grows Pfizer and Nabi Pharmaceuticals Also Given a Seat at the Table. The tobacco and pharmaceutical industries must be laughing all the way to the bank. There's nothing like sitting on the panel of the Agency that regulates your products or makes decisions about the regulation of the products of your chief competitors.
A New Policy on Tobacco Papers. Simon Chapman and Ross MacKenzie critique the dominant messages about smoking cessation contained in most tobacco control campaigns, which emphasize that serious attempts at quitting smoking must be pharmacologically or professionally mediated.
Cooking with gas raises risk of lung cancer - study. The results showed more naphthalene - a banned substance contained in traditional mothballs - and mutagenic aldehydes were produced when cooking with gas.
Consumption Of Magnesium Rich Foods Can Cut Colon Cancer Risk In Men. Magnesium has been shown to defend against hypertension, cardiopathy, Type 2 diabetes, migraines and osteoporosis. Currently, the new research suggests that the health gains of magnesium expand even further. GA: Tobacco taxes. They have led to massive smuggling in many places that have imposed them. Nanny Bloomberg's New York has witnessed this as organized crime organizations have brought cigarettes in by the truckloads from states like VA and NC.
IN: The Indiana General Assembly adjourned last week before acting on a proposed statewide smoking ban that would have cost the state untold jobs and tax revenues.
NC: The Juggling Gypsy said it will fight the penalties, taking to the courts if necessary.
NY: City Tries to Shut Club It Says Flouts Smoking Ban. The nightclub, the M2 UltraLounge on West 28th Street in Manhattan, went on trial last week at a special administrative court that the city uses when it seeks to take away property.
OH: Watch video. Department of Health figures show the state has spent $3.2 million to impose $1.2 million in fines on violators of Ohio's smoking ban. Also Maurice Thompson's Ohio series.
Canada: The Gestapo come in many forms. By George Jonas. When the smoking wars went into overdrive, anti-smoking activists couldn’t believe that anyone who quit smoking years earlier, as I did, could nevertheless object to the tyranny of the smoke Gestapo. |
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# posted by Samantha : 5:10 PM
The Property Rights Newsletter
March 12, 2010 - Issue #561
A Short History of Medicine
2000 B.C. - "Here, eat this root."
1000 B.C. - "That root is heathen, say this prayer."
1850 A.D. - "That prayer is superstition, drink this potion."
1940 A.D. - "That potion is snake oil, swallow this pill."
1985 A.D. - "That pill is ineffective, take this antibiotic."
2000 A.D. - "That antibiotic is artificial. Here, eat this root."
~Author Unknown | Second Opinions II. By Robert Gehrmann, Pennsylvania State Coordinator for Citizens Freedom Alliance. The Institute of Medicine estimates 98,000 people die each year from preventable medical errors. If the CDC recognized that as a cause of death, it would rank sixth. Reducing medical errors may be more in Hennessey's purview for fixing health care prices. He demands that others be held to his standard. Autocracy in government or medicine does not serve the people.
Utah: Legislature Passes Bill that Makes it Criminal Homicide if a Smoker Has a Miscarriage. By Michael Siegel, MD, MPH. The Utah legislature and governor are a complete disgrace to America and to our Constitution and the individual rights and autonomy upon which this country was founded. I cannot possibly condemn them strongly enough.
Salt Ban: Chefs Call Proposed New York Salt Ban Absurd. "No owner or operator of a restaurant in this state shall use salt in any form in the preparation of any food for consumption by customers of such restaurant, including food prepared to be consumed on the premises of such restaurant or off of such premises," the bill, A. 10129, states in part. GA: The GA House of Representatives is moving to increase state excise taxes on cigarettes by 270% and pipe and smokeless tobacco by 150%.
IN: Rep. Charlie Brown just doesn’t get it. Legislated smoking bans are not only unnecessary, they are an affront to the personal rights of smokers and non-smokers, alike, and they cost tax revenues and jobs and result in more failed businesses, says the International Premium Cigar & Pipe Retailers Association.
KS: Proposed Kansas Tobacco Tax Increases Not Funny. It may sound like the theme of a Jim Carrey comedy – First, we ban smoking, then we raise tobacco taxes.
NY: NYS Tax Department Proposes Regulation To Address Issue Of Tax-Free Sales Of Cigarettes To Indians.
SC: Firing up cigarette tax. A 30-cent increase is before the House as part of the state budget, which will be debated on the floor beginning Monday. The Senate has a 50-cent increase on the table that the House approved last year.
USA: FDA Tobacco Advisory: 6 Jokers In A Stacked Deck.
Israel: Despite laws prohibiting smoking in public places, in Tel Aviv's cafes, bars and nightclubs enforcement is lax. "Smokers will just look for another place to go. I lose business if I don't let people smoke," the owner of the English Pub said.
UK: Exclusive footage of Nick Hogan's release from jail and his ongoing battle. Things are getting done. |
Bars serving Hawaii smokers despite ban | Join FREE - Home - Events - Forum - Videos - Please Help - © |
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# posted by Samantha : 5:09 PM
The Property Rights Newsletter
March 5, 2010 - Issue #560
"The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is
not as sacred as the law of God, and that there is not a
force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy
and tyranny commence."
- John Adams | Nick Hogan Update... Nick Hogan was the first person to be prosecuted under the new smoking laws. He will spend six months in prison after refusing to pay a fine. REMINDER: Tobacco is a legal product, and he was on his own property!
Nicotine Patch: New Study Shows That Even Extended Nicotine Replacement Therapy is Extremely Ineffective; Unaided Quitting Rates are Far Better. By Michael Siegel. The senior author of the study has a severe financial conflict of interest as she has served as a consultant to GlaxoSmithKline, one company that manufactures the nicotine patch. She has also served as a consultant or has received research funding from AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Novartis. CA: Corona Del Mar private property rights. Man Fights Legal Battle to Keep His Own Backyard, freedom to use a picnic table.
GA: House Bill 39. Tobacco Tax Favors High-Income Counties.
GA: Savannah Mayor says "Sue Us" if you don't like it.
OH: State is hypocritical on smoking ban. By Pam Parker.
USA: Which Burger Chains Dominate the U.S. Landscape?
Canada: The International Olympic Committee will investigate the actions of Canadian women's hockey players who celebrated their gold medal victory Thursday night by swigging beer and smoking cigars on the ice in Vancouver.
Ireland: Tobacco price law ruled illegal. The European Court of Justice rejected Irish government claims that it needs to fix a high minimum price to discourage smoking.
Jakarta: City to issue individual healthcare cards to outcast smokers from burdening its budget. SKTM cards are held by residents that are recognized by the administration to be living in poverty.
UK: Woo-hoo!! Government unblocks Forest website. |
Treat Me Like a Dog:
What Human Health Care Can Learn from Pet Care.
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# posted by Samantha : 2:22 PM