The Property Rights Newsletter
August 13, 2010 - Issue #580
"Ten years ago we got laughed at for playing "The Slippery
Slope Card." Today we'd have to play a whole deck
before anyone questioned it."
- Michael J. McFadden | Antis Rewrite History
Winston Churchill's cigar airbrushed from picture. In a reproduction of the picture, hanging over the main entrance to a London museum celebrating the wartime leader, he has been made into a non-smoker through the use of image-altering techniques. It is unclear who is responsible for doctoring the photograph, with the museum – The Winston Churchill's Britain at War Experience – claiming not to have noticed the cigar was missing. John Welsh, manager of the museum, admitted he was shocked to learn of the alteration, but declined to reveal who was responsible for the display and for enlarging the image.
More: Smoking In Cartoons. Snuffing out Goofy's cigarette, The Great Disney Smoke-Out, Editing out history and Tom and Jerry, No smoking to be the rule for Turner cartoons in Britain, Smoking in Tintin cartoon breaks Turkish law.
More: Smoking On Screen, TV and film, around the world. Sherlock Holmes without his pipe?! USA movies blasted for smoking including Mama Mia, Alice in Wonderland, Avatar, Land of the Lost...
The price of freedom. By Michael J. McFadden. When Hungary agreed to join the EU it was largely with an eye to the better trade position and ease of travel and security that such membership would bring. The vast majority in favor of such membership never imagined that it would bring with it pressures for the government to begin sticking its nose into private lives and choices in a way not seen since the Soviets and their tanks ruled the streets. | | Join FREE - Home - Events - Forum - Videos - Please Help - © |
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# posted by Samantha : 12:08 PM
The Property Rights Newsletter
August 6, 2010 - Issue #579
"Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers which they dare not dismount.
And the tigers are getting hungry."
- Winston Churchill | Third Hand Smoke Causes Leprosy! By Michael J. McFadden, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director, Citizens Freedom Alliance. Did you know that third hand smoke can cause Leprosy? Wounds that never heal? Flaming,festering, flatulent and pustulent, putrescently oozing oncologically orange orifices of ichor and slime and gore? Well, OK, it may not BE Leprosy, but it's just LIKE Leprosy. And they haven't REALLY found that thirdhand smoke causes it yet, but they're paying a researcher a quarter of a million dollars in the hope she can show it to be so.
More Second Hand Smoke Articles.
More Third Hand Smoke Articles.
More Fourth Hand Smoke Articles.
More Fifth Hand Smoke Articles.
From The International Mailbag | Canada: No smoking ban for Vancouver parks and beaches for now.
Canada: Vote for Kerry Diotte, City Council Ward 11, Edmonton.
China: Ten Chinese people imprisoned for smoking. The Global Times story did not say how long the Zaoqiang-10 were detained for, but it said that Chinese public opinion was divided on the case.
UK: Raigmore Hospital's no smoking ban ignored. The health board said allowances were made in some circumstances, such as relatives who were distressed about a loved one. IN: Marion County. More smoke ban talk even when current pact works. Those that want to light up go to an adults-only bar.
MO: Missouri State University Faculty and Staff Wellness Update.
SD: Don't be fooled by the Nicoderm funded lobbyists who forced this issue on South Dakota. Vote NO on Law 12 if you value Freedom, and let business owners decide what's best for them and their customers.
TN: A smoking ban will hurt the campus community. Now, instead of having to avoid one person smoking a cigarette on a pathway, someone who is averse to cigarette smoke will have to figure out how to get around twenty folks all together smoking at the same time.
TX: Tobacco sting. Retailers that refused to sell to minors were also acknowledged with a certificate of congratulations for compliance.
USA: Cruise Line Bans Smoking on Its "Freedom" Ship. Carnival has announced it is “testing” the idea of banning smoking in cigar bars on its cruise ships. The Slippery Slope After Tobacco |
USA: Watch Reason Video: Nanny of the Month: San Francisco Soda Banner Mayor Newsom. |
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# posted by Samantha : 8:34 AM