The Property Rights Newsletter
November 12, 2010 - Issue #592
"To decide to be at the level of choice, is to take
responsibility for your life and to be in control of your life."
- Arbie M. Dale | Why our smoking ban had to schtop. By Wiel Maessen. The Netherlands has become the first country in Europe to overturn its smoking ban. A new liberal government is to allow smoking, though only in small owner-run bars with no other staff. I know of many bars that never even put their ashtrays away. But now it is official and people are delighted. I hope that the same thing happens in the UK now. I vow I will only give up the day that the smoking ban is overturned completely.
Smoking bans should be amended. By Theodore J. King. Now that the midterm elections are over, the political climate should begin to be more business-friendly than it has been in recent years because, beginning in January, there will be many new Republican governors and state legislators who should be more favorably disposed to individual rights and freedom than their Democrat predecessors were. Among the states that will have new Republican governors are Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, New Mexico, Ohio, and Wisconsin, all of which have draconian indoor smoking bans. These bans should be either repealed or revised, especially concerning bars, restaurants, and hotel rooms.
Smoking Ban Inspires Drive-In Bingo. The scene is a large, open field filled with cars. Drivers bought bingo cards from a booth on their way in, and now sit in their cars, watching bingo numbers being drawn on a large screen on one edge of the field. When a player wins, they just toot their horn, and one of the organizers comes by to hand over their winnings. Players are free to smoke as often as they like, and if they get hungry, they just ring up the food delivery boy who brings over a hot meal. AL: Don’t Believe Everything You Read, Cigar Association Warns Pelham Mayor. “Many restaurant and bar owner already declare their premises as non-smoking and that’s just fine,” McCalla said. “However, when their rights as property owners are usurped by petty legislation that is based on false information, it’s just not the way things should be. AZ: The Smokers Club has a long history of not simply spouting statistics to back up our claims of damage due to bans, but of showcasing individual cases where people's lives and livelihoods have been destroyed by uncaring bureaucracies pushed by radicals who believe that might makes right, the end justifies the means, and that collateral damage along the way should simply be ignored. Read about Larry McCoy. MA: New policy tolerates student smoking outside Brookline High. The reasoning behind the policy is to keep smoking out in the open, and not have teachers tracking down smokers in school bathrooms and hallways, said the high school’s headmaster, Bob Weintraub. MN: "Butt huts" approved in Bismarck. They can have heat, and customers can take their drinks with them. SD: Clemens says police aren't planning to do any smoking checks at this time. The law says if a person lights up a cigarette, it's the owner's responsibility to tell that person it's a smoke-free establishment. | | Join FREE - Home - Events - Forum - Videos - Please Help - © |
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