
Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Property Rights Newsletter February 25, 2011 - Issue #603 "I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Property Rights for all include Smokers Rights! Smokers are a persecuted minority. By T. Gavin King. This is not reasonable but the product of mass hysteria for a utopia. Moreover, if some nonsmokers might be in those smokers' ghettos, which is unlikely because they don't have to be there, exposure to secondhand smoke could not harm them. Contrary to the widespread misrepresentations about the 2006 surgeon general's report, it did not state that brief exposure to secondhand smoke is harmful.
The Wrongs Of Righteous Research. By Trevor Butterworth. All three authors identify a failure to report results faithfully as a hallmark of bias. As Cope and Allison conclude, "clinicians, media, public health policy makers… should be cognizant of such biases" and view the literature (in their case, on obesity) "more critically." But surely this should be the primary ethical and epistemic obligation for scientists? Or at a minimum, surely scientists should describe other scientific research faithfully? The temptations of the kind of grants and glories that mere philosophers can only dream of cannot be that insidious; but if they are, it is, perhaps, time for a more a tough discussion about how scientific research is funded. Meanwhile, when you next hear an appeal that science shows soda causes obesity or that science shows that banning alcohol advertising will stop teen drinking, caveat emptor.
Property Rights for all include Smokers Rights!
Thumbs up for fake science! By Simon Clark. US scientists are significantly more likely to publish fake research than scientists from elsewhere, finds a trawl of officially withdrawn (retracted) studies, published online in the Journal of Medical Ethics. Fraudsters are also more likely to be “repeat offenders,” the study shows. The study author searched the PubMed database for every scientific research paper that had been withdrawn—and therefore officially expunged from the public record—between 2000 and 2010. A total of 788 papers had been retracted during this period. Around three quarters of these papers had been withdrawn because of a serious error (545); the rest of the retractions were attributed to fraud (data fabrication or falsification).
From The Mailbag
CA ALERT: Senator Padilla Introduces Legislation to Increase the Tobacco Tax. Introduces Legislation to Ban Selling Tobacco Near Schools. Legislation to Expand the Availability of Smoke-Free Housing. Legislation to Ban Caffeinated Beer Beverages in California.
OK ALERT: Please click on the link and find out who your state rep is. Please contact them TODAY and tell them you are against this NANNY STATE preemption bill. HR 2135 by Kris Steele.
Honduras: Seeks to stop smoking - even at home. Lighting up a cigarette at home could bring a visit from Honduran police if a family member or even a visitor complains about secondhand smoke. Some say the law will be almost impossible to enforce in a country of 8 million people with a rampant crime problem and only 12,000 police officers.
Scotland: Scottish Government guidelines for smoke-free mental health services. Here at last are the guidelines directed to health trusts, designed to show them how to implement a completely non-smoking regime in institutions and facilities dedicated to psychiatric care.
Ban Damage Hurts Everyone
TX: Tobacco ban blamed in prison violence. A long-standing ban on tobacco in Texas prisons meant to curb smoking-related disease is fueling a black market economy that breeds jailhouse violence and corrupts correctional officers, according to a new study examining inappropriate relationships between guards and inmates.
Canada: Man mugged on smoke break. A 19-year-old man who took a smoke break in the inner city early Wednesday ended up getting mugged at gunpoint.
Canada: Guns pulled on man with cigarette. "I just had a smoke in my hand, and they were pointing that (gun beam) at me — pointing it right at my chest here, and telling me to put my smoke down. And I was telling them to hold on for a second — I had two more drags," Kennedy said Saturday of the incident, which was caught on video by a Winnipeg Sun photographer. "And they started screaming at me, 'Put the f***ing cigarette down!' or something — really loud, man." Despite his surprise at the order concerning what he doesn’t consider a weapon, the 19-year-old tossed the cigarette onto the floor. He said he was handcuffed almost immediately after. Police spokesman Const. Shaun Chornley said officers were "absolutely not" overreacting to the cigarette.
Property Rights for all include Smokers Rights! We Love Cigarettes - Cigarettes Addiction Documentary - 5 part series
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Wednesday, February 09, 2011

The Property Rights Newsletter February 11, 2011 - Issue #601 Any horror element is as much psychological as special effects. - Christopher Eccleston
Property Rights for all include Smokers Rights! Circus of Horrors: Circus act's smoking raises health and safety alarm. Fire-eating is fine. As is walking barefoot up a ladder of swords and swallowing a revolving electric drill. And – while it may not be to everyone's taste – there should be no problems with a dwarf dragging a genitally attached vacuum cleaner round the stage. "To cut the smoking bit out spoils all the rest of it," said Haze. "It's just been completely ridiculous. They've made us do a risk assessment and they've now said they have to get an exemption from the council. Well I've never heard of that. The law is that you can smoke if it's part of the performance, you don't need to have an exemption. We're in limbo really."
Property Rights for all include Smokers Rights!
Radiation from tests hike risk of cancer: Canadian researchers appear to have proven what, until now, had only been assumed: Radiation from widely used medical tests can increase the risk of cancer. Montreal doctors who followed nearly 83,000 heart attack victims for five years found exposure to low-dose ionizing radiation from common tests used to diagnose and treat heart problems are associated with an increased risk of cancer.
Property Rights for all include Smokers Rights!
Secondhand Television Exposure Linked to Eating Disorders. For parents wanting to reduce the negative influence of TV on their children, the first step is normally to switch off the television set. But a new study suggests that might not be enough. It turns out indirect media exposure, i.e., having friends who watch a lot of TV, might be even more damaging to a teenager's body image. This research was funded by the National Institute of Mental Health, Harvard University and the Radcliffe Institute.
Property Rights for all include Smokers Rights!
Dog on board? Drivers urged to buckle it up. USA: Man's best friend is not a driver's best friend. While lawmakers have been banning drivers from texting or using cell phones, many motorists are riding around with another dangerous risk: their dogs. Experts say an unrestrained dog – whether curled up on a lap, hanging out the window or resting its paws on the steering wheel – can be deadly. Tens of thousands of car accidents are believed caused every year by unrestrained pets, though no one has solid numbers. UK: It's a dog's life: The Dog Ban, insists Joe Jackson, is one of the greatest political achievements of the last 500 years. Amend it? It has to be a total ban, with no exceptions, as soon as possible. Any revision – even discussion – would be a devastating blow to public health. Not that this is necessarily about health. Let’s face it: dogs just stink, and the people who get so powerfully attached to them – for God knows what sick and twisted reasons – stink too. They have no ‘right’ to inflict their vile addiction on me.
Row over whether new law bans farting: Two of Malawi's most senior judicial officials are arguing over whether a new bill includes a provision that outlaws breaking wind in public. Justice Minister George Chaponda says the new bill would criminalise flatulence to promote "public decency."
From The International Mailbag
Property Rights for all include Smokers Rights! Happy Birthday! Cuban man celebrates his 111th birthday with a cigar and a wad of cash. Ignacio Cubilla Banos enjoyed the festivities at his home in Havana surrounded by family.
Bhutan: Monk faces jail under smoking ban. A fourth degree felony can carry a sentence of five years. The Bhutan Narcotic Control Agency has started raids, with officials allowed to enter homes if someone is seen smoking or if officials have reason to believe there is illegal tobacco there.
France: French ignoring the smoking ban. "We close our eyes to maintain a business whose balance remains very fragile."
Malaysia: Smokers lighting up just about everywhere. The Government has made a stand, the law has been gazetted, but enforcement is just not there.
Scotland: Updates: NHS Grampian: full retreat from hospital smoking ban, Biting the hand that feeds them?, We're all waiting for you, Claims looming for passive smoke exposure in Scottish prisons, and more.
From The USA Mailbag
AL: Alabama Opinion Leaders Urged to Seek Truth in Secondhand Smoke Claims. “Legislated smoking bans, for whatever reason, are unnecessary and inexcusable. They deprive business owners their right to make such determinations on their own."
IN: Terre Haute City Council votes 9-0 in adopt new ordinance but puts off implementation until July 1, 2012. For now, the ordinance changes nothing and at least one proposed amendment can be expected between now and July of next year. Councilman Norm Loudermilk, D-3rd, one of the strongest supporters of the ordinance, said he would propose an amendment to exempt private clubs, such as veterans clubs, for the workplace smoking ban.
MN: Annandale's oldest tavern calls it quits. JJ's Bar on Main Street has heard its last "last call" and closed its doors for the final time, ending a 75-year run that began not long after the repeal of Prohibition.
NY: Should Outdoor Smoking Be Banned? The places where people can smoke are becoming more and more limited by the minute.
OH: Walford Street Shooting Sends 1 To Trauma Room. Police say that 42-year-old Alberto Chavez was outside smoking when he was shot.
SC: Atlantic Beach nods to smoking ban. Ordinance would affect workplaces, beach. The ordinance requires a second vote for it to be final. SC: Dorchester County Council tabled Smoking law, signs tabled. "Sometimes good-intentioned legislation has unintended consequences," said Byars, citing businesses in Florida that failed after a similar law passed. Protecting businesses "is the right thing to do."
USA: States eye "sin" taxation as salvation for budgets. Cash-strapped state lawmakers across the country are looking at raising "sin" taxes on everything from traditional vices, like smoking cigarettes and imbibing alcohol, to more recently vilified habits like drinking sugary sodas and hitting the tanning salon. USA: The Big Tobacco Deal: Watch the video from CEI.
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The Property Rights Newsletter January 28, 2011 - Issue #600 "The liar's punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else." - George Bernard Shaw
Property Rights for all include Smokers Rights! Don’t believe the lies about secondhand smoke. By Theodore J. King. Fortunately, it is simply not true that even brief exposure to secondhand smoke can cause cardiovascular disease. The myths about secondhand smoke are lies and the product of the mass hysteria the nanny state has wrought that has overcome reason. The hidden and sly purpose of the attack on secondhand smoke is to convince everyone, even rational, smart people, that smoking is not only unhealthy but evil and that all tobacco should be banished from the earth.
From The Mailbag
GA: Macon Group Considering Tougher Anti-Smoking Rules. Ed Lash says, "It would be bad for me and anyone else that smokes. I mean where do you draw the line?"
IN: House exempts taverns, private clubs from state smoking ban bill. House Bill 1018 would still apply to most workplaces and restaurants, unless they serve alcohol and are open only to those 21 years and older. The House Health Committee already had exempted casinos. The House also approved amendments to exempt veterans and fraternal clubs - such as VFWs and Elks clubs - and nursing homes, as long as both have separate smoking areas.
KY: Proposed Smoking Ban Bill Going Nowhere. "When lawmakers don’t want to deal with tough issues..." Westrom admits the bill will go nowhere in this year’s legislature but has proposed it, nonetheless.
MI: Should the smoking ban include the drive-thru? By Marc Schollett. "Vehicles are exempt; vehicles where people are smoking inside the vehicles are exempt from the law." Bottom line, you can smoke in your car, just about anywhere, with the windows down without violating the smoking ban, even if it impacts others. Your car is your property.
NC: IPCPR Urges Courtesy, Not Ban, in Raleigh, NC Parks. McCalla asked, “What if someone complained about the odor of cheap perfume or wet dogs? What if someone complained about seriously obese people taking up more than their share of seating space in the shelters and on buses?
SC: Push For Smoking Bans In Spartanburg County. Romberger, the healthcare professional who presented the findings, said counties and municipalities should absolutely move toward smoking bans.
USA: America’s Culture of Busybodies. Higgs writes. “Because this proclivity provides an irresistible opportunity for politicians to promote their own interests at public expense, one must expect that we Americans are doomed to an endless procession of costly, futile, and destructive crusades.”
Scotland: Forest has welcomed the announcement by the Scottish Government that the introduction of the tobacco display ban in Scotland is being delayed from 1 October 2011 until further notice due to a legal appeal by Imperial Tobacco. Read More: Freedom-2-Choose Scotland.
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