
Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Property Rights Newsletter
April 20, 2012 - Issue #660
"Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight." - Albert Schweitzer
Property Rights for all include Smokers Rights! Update Animal genocide... Michigan government unleashes armed raids on small pig farmers, forces farmer to shoot all his own pigs. In anticipation of the DNR arriving on the scene, one farmer engaged in what can only be described as a heart-wrenching task of shooting his own pigs, one by one, including baby piglets before the DNR arrived. This was to avoid being arrested as a felon. (CAUTION: This is a very difficult article to read in full. It is an animal and/or property rights minded person's stuff of nightmares, and you will not be able to forget it.)
Property Rights for all include Smokers Rights!
19 Crazy Things That School Children Are Being Arrested For In America: With each passing year, the difference between America's prisons and America's public schools becomes smaller and smaller. As you read the rest of this article, you will be absolutely amazed at some of the crazy things that school children in America are being arrested for. What is going on in many areas of the country is absolutely ridiculous. For example, in 2010 alone police down in Texas issued an astounding 300,000 tickets to school children.
The Plain Truth About Tobacco. A kind of groupthink exists amongst health professionals on the subject of tobacco, based on statistical over-interpretations amounting to perfect misinterpretations, and leading to a long chain of fallacious reasoning, producing ever more fallacious conclusions. This mindless groupthinking is positively rampant in the professions. Critics - there have always been critics within and without the professions - are long and well acquainted with this sorry state of affairs. It has been called, and is, truly scandalous. Read this 188 page document about Interrupting the Mantras, Population Statistics, Statistics Madness, Blood Libel, and The Provenance of Lifestyle Epidemiology.
Smoker bashing? Really? If it's so bad, and cigarette smoking IS the absolute death sentence proclaimed far and wide, then my simple question is this: Why is there anyone in the World alive right now over the age of 60? People over the age of 60 were exposed on a daily basis, everywhere (Hospitals, Airplanes, EVERYWHERE) for most of their lives to First, Second, Third, Forth, Twentieth Cigarette Smoke, all the time. So how come they haven't dropped dead from it? Yet people are dropping dead from being overweight, everyday.
HI: Kawika Crowley for Congress. I've been involved with political issues all my adult life, especially in Hilo. In the last six years I have spent thousands of hours lobbying at the State Capitol in representing The Hawaii Bar Owners Assoc. (Representing over 150 small businesses across the state, and employing thousands). We have been trying to push through legislation that would simply allow smoking exemptions for bars requesting one.
UK: Smokers of the World Unite! This is part of the moral crusade against smokers, which logically will lead to a war on drinkers and fast-food eaters as well - Essentially anything that the state does not wish an individual to do!
UK: The absurd persecution of smokers is beginning to stink more than a pub's worth of used ashtrays. Why was it necessary to ban smoking in all pubs and restaurants, even those that wanted to provide a haven for smokers? The pretext for this was that it was important to protect bar and restaurant staff from the dangers of passive smoking. Passive smoking remains no more than an assertion backed by the force of the nanny state. There is no serious evidence that people who do not smoke are harmed by tobacco smoke in the general atmosphere. It is just something we are expected to believe.
World: Smokers Blogs. Watch instant postings to your favorite blogs.
Property Rights for all include Smokers Rights!
Watch Old Marlboro Cowboy Commercials.
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Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Property Rights Newsletter
April 13, 2012 - Issue #659
"What most people don't understand is the bulk of business in this country is small business." - Alphonso Jackson
Property Rights for all include Smokers Rights! Vapers And Smokers: Comfortable Bedfellows. By Michael McFadden. But... all was not happy in Smallville: the Vapers soon found themselves under attack by the very group they'd expected to be their allies: the Antismokers. Despite the fact that there was virtually no research showing any degree of actual harm from "vaping" (much less "secondhand vaping"!) and despite the fact that there was pretty much nothing in terms of scent beyond what one might notice upon entering a well-kept home with a tray of potpourri by the door, the Antismokers were going wild about the new "threat" of people using e-cigarettes!
KS RYO: State Shuts Down 'Roll Your Own' Cigarette Shops. Compliance Issue Challenged. The state of Kansas is cracking down on businesses that offer smokers an alternative to buying cigarettes by the pack. Businesses with machines that let people "roll your own" cigarettes are being shut down. In the last week, the state closed about 20 across Kansas.
USA RYO: Amendment to highway bill sideswipes Little Tobacco. Nobody mentioned tobacco last week when the U.S. Senate adopted an amendment to the $109 billion federal highway bill. But tucked into the 5,600-word amendment to provide aid for rural schools was a single paragraph that would settle a two-year-old fight between Big Tobacco and a small Ohio company that builds a do-it-yourself machine that allows smokers to get their cigarettes a lot cheaper. The amendment would reclassify tobacco shops that offer the machines as "tobacco manufacturers," imposing on them new regulations and higher taxes, and it opens a window into the ways of Washington, where the powerful and the connected can sometimes win even before the opposition knows the game is underway. "This is catastrophic," was the response of Phil Accordino, whose tiny company builds the roll-your-own cigarette machines in Girard, Ohio, when he heard of the Senate action. Word arrived in Ohio after the amendment had already been approved on a bipartisan vote.
From The Mailbag
USA: CASAA Call to Actions. States and Bills listed that you should know about. Is your state listed here?
USA: CRA Legislative Action Center. Help Exempt Premium Cigars From FDA Regulation! H.R. 1639 / S. 1461 - Traditional Cigar Manufacturing and Small Business Jobs Preservation Act.
Honduras joins WTO complaint on Australia tobacco packaging. "Australia's plain packaging requirements would defeat the basic function of a trademark, which is to allow consumers to distinguish between products of different companies," Castillo said in a statement. The initial complaint was launched by Ukraine and is being closely watched by a number of other WTO members, with Brazil, Canada, the EU, Guatemala, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway and Uruguay asked to be third parties in the dispute.
Scotland: Freedom to Choose news articles. Educating the general public, and particularly the general public in Scotland, on matters where freedom of choice is under threat.... "When health is equated with freedom, liberty as a political concept vanishes." (Dr. Thomas Szasz, The Therapeutic State).... INTOLERANCE IS THE MOST PREVENTABLE CAUSE OF INEQUALITIES!
World: Smokers Blogs. Watch instant postings to your favorite blogs.
Property Rights for all include Smokers Rights!Click here for thousands of FREE TV shows and movies to watch on your computer.
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Thursday, April 05, 2012

The Property Rights Newsletter
April 6, 2012 - Issue #658
"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated." - Mahatma Gandhi
Property Rights for all include Smokers Rights! MI Plan to destroy ranch livestock. The state has said it will "destroy" these pigs beginning in April, potentially by raiding local farms with government-issued rifles, then shooting the pig herds while arresting the members of the family and charging them with the "crime" of raising pigs with the wrong hair color. This may truly be a state-sponsored serial animal killing spree. Yet these are the very pigs that farmers and ranchers in Michigan have been raising for decades. The state doesn't seem to care about this, and there are indications that this ISO may have been nudged into position by the conventional pork industry as a tactic to wipe out its competition of local, specialty ranching conducted by small families and dedicated farmers who don't work for the big pork corporations.
From The Mailbag
USA: The SmokeLess States Program. This chapter describes SmokeLess States: National Tobacco Policy Initiative, one of the largest investments made by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, with $99 million authorized in grants since 1992. Primarily, grants were awarded to non-governmental organizations, with the intention that they would educate the public and policy-makers about the tobacco problem. Two features about the program are significant: (1) the Foundation encouraged its grantees to be activists; (2) advocacy was emphasized to bring about policy change. The program relied heavily on three major health voluntary organizations: the American Cancer Society; the American Heart Association and the American Lung Association. They provided financial support and, in particular, funds to help lobbying efforts which the Foundation could not support directly. In addition to insight on the effects of advocacy, this chapter offers a window into the role of coalitions in bringing about social change.
Philip Morris USA: Citizens for Tobacco Rights is a group of adult smokers and dippers joining together to learn more about and take action on issues they care about.
Dutch unease over tobacco lobbying: The BBC's Anna Holligan considers the relationship between Dutch politics and the tobacco industry.
Watch: The Risk inside your credit card. News on Electronic Pickpocketing. You can find RFID protection wallets and sleeves for sale or just use a piece of tin foil.
World: Smokers Blogs. Watch instant postings to your favorite blogs.
Videos from The Smoke Report:
The Smoke Report is a bi-weekly video series dedicated the world of smoking, smokers rights, and advocacy. It seems that society has gone on some anti-smoking vendetta these days. But, while most smokers willingly acknowledge certain risks associated with their activity, it must also be acknowledged that these people are adults who are capable of making their own decisions.
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