Thursday, April 25, 2013
The Property Rights Newsletter April 26, 2013 - Issue #710 "I have decided to stick with love.Hate is too great a burden to bear." - Martin Luther King, Jr. |
![]() Smoking keeps its cool. By Luben Raytchev. Smokers get a bad rap nowadays. With smoking-approved public areas reduced to the fringes, and with the ever-increasing stigmatization of smoking, smokers seem to be retreating further and further into the corners of society. Generally speaking, smoking - if only by the illusion of what the law designates as cigarette-friendly territory - appears to have become a clandestine activity. And smokers, especially among their non-smoking friends, might sometimes feel a bit like pariahs. On the one hand, smoking leads to social condemnation, but on the other to a feeling of rebellion and cool. Perhaps, the more public health initiatives berate smoking, the more symbolic it becomes. Smoking, it seems, is destined to retain its cool. Why legalize pot and ban tobacco? They want to fine and even arrest people for smoking tobacco but it appears you can smoke marijuana anywhere even though the smell makes some people sick. Have your say at The Forum. NY: Raise smoking age to 21? First he wanted to hide cigarette cartons in bins or closets behind store counters. Now, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to raise the age to legally buy cigarettes to 21 from 18. The proposal, announced Monday by city Health Commissioner Dr. Thomas Farley and city council Speaker Christine Quinn, is the latest in a string of attacks on Americans' vices, from salt to soda. OK: Oklahoma House approves state property smoking ban. The bill now goes to the governor for her signature. Republican Rep. Pat Ownbey says the bill would be more durable than the current executive order, which can be changed by a governor at any time. He said Tuesday he wasn't sure what the penalty would be if someone defied the ban. Canada: Richards Report - Getting Tough On Criminals Who Profit From Youth Smoking. By Doug Watt. The smoking issue is a touchy one. I feel that the more regulation we have in place, the more we will see contraband product in the marketplace. Smoking is a lifestyle choice and many people still partake. Incredible as it may sound, the science to back up many of the stereotypical health issues of smoking (such as the slogans that are printed on the packaging) has not been conclusively proven. Ireland - Dentists want a role in tobacco control. Dentists have called on the HSE to give them a key role in the State's tobacco control strategy, similar to the practice in Sweden. The Irish Dentists' Association (IDA) said its members were "ideally placed" to advise patients on smoking's risks. Lebanon protest. Caught on tape: Woman defiantly smokes on Lebanese airline. When the woman refused to stop smoking, the flight attendant said she was going to call the captain. "Go call him. Go call everyone and come here," said the defiant woman as she continued to smoke. Scotland - Commonwealth Games. The anti-smoking charity ASH Scotland is launching a campaign for an outright ban on smoking at the Games. "The event must not be hijacked by public health campaigners who are determined to impose their views on everyone else." World: Smokers Blogs. Watch instant postings to your favorite blogs. |
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Thursday, April 18, 2013
The Property Rights Newsletter April 19, 2013 - Issue #709 "Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department."- David Packard |
![]() SC - Bryant smoking bill snuffed out. State Sen. Kevin Bryant's effort to give employers the right to refuse to hire and even to fire smokers was snuffed out Wednesday. "People shouldn't be punished because they smoke," said Sen. Kent Williams, a Democrat from Marion. "To say that I am not going to hire you because you are a smoker really concerns me." Democratic Sen. Glenn Reese of Lake Bowen accused Bryant of pursuing "Gestapo tactics" against smokers. "I don't think you can fire them for smoking on the back porch at home," Reese said. NC - Anti Money: By Pam Parker. Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids received $8 million grant. Where are the reporters of old who investigated stories like this? RWJF is JOHNSON & JOHNSON'S "foundation" who CREATED AND FUNDED the front group "Tobacco Free Kids". RWJF can't legally lobby for smoking bans and increased taxes so they give these "grants" to TFK to do it. Ever wonder WHY they want smoking cessation "treatments" paid for by insurance and Medicaid? Because Johnson & Johnson owns nearly every over-the-counter nicotine REPLACEMENT PRODUCT there is! This is a clear case of the "tail wagging the dog." By Sheila Martin. Pharma created the "second hand smoke myth," bribed the public health community and academia, and the money started pouring in. Grant spongers in public health, in our universities, our once respected non profits, and our government, have to eat. They eat grants. The pro ban, individual freedom killing dog, has a long pharmaceutical tail and a ravenous appetite to expand their power and get more money. And our tax paid employees certainly don't care where money comes from. ALL money is good money to them, it seems. We will never be able to pay them what they think they are worth! And the more laws they push, the bigger they get. Like a blood filled tick on the pro ban dog. Only this tick NEVER gets enough, and it NEVER falls off! How Working Kills Smokers: By Susan Rosenthal. Governments are addicted to tobacco revenue. Instead of spending their tobacco revenues on smoking-prevention programs, states are using the money to balance their budgets. No matter how loudly they shout about the dangers of smoking, governments are addicted to tobacco revenue. And they need people to keep smoking because states have borrowed from future tobacco revenues to meet growing budget deficits. Sterling found that air pollution is the primary cause of lung cancer in the United States. Lung cancer rates are higher in cities than in the countryside, and higher in larger cities than in smaller ones. The risk of getting lung cancer increases for people who migrate from areas with lower cancer rates to areas with higher cancer rates. Africa: Free Market Foundation attacks "apartheid-style" liquor, tobacco laws. "When I read this Gauteng Liquor Bill, I think: has Verwoerd's ghost somehow occupied the minds of Gauteng legislators? This is Verwoerd and Vorster and Strijdom reincarnated," Free Market Foundation executive director Leon Louw said in Johannesburg this week. He said measures such as better public education on life choices would be more effective in curbing the consumption of liquor and tobacco. ![]() World: Smokers Blogs. Watch instant postings to your favorite blogs. |
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Wednesday, April 10, 2013
The Property Rights Newsletter April 12, 2013 - Issue #708 "Measures of sterilization should, in my opinion, be verydefinitely confined to persons who are mentally defective." - Bertrand Russell |
![]() ![]() SC Warning: Smoking May Cost You A Job. Now, some companies want to get rid of smokers in the workplace. But it's against the law in South Carolina, as well as in 28 other states that ban discrimination against tobacco-users. "It is not government's role to tell a business owner how they operate their business and how they spend their money," said Sen. Kevin Bryant, R-Anderson. That protection for smoker could soon be repealed if Bryant's measure is passed. The lawmaker believes companies should be able to hire or fire workers that use tobacco products off-the-clock. MA Warning: Arlington, Town Holds Off on New Tobacco Regulations Vote. The Board of Health will take up the regulations again next month. In addition to the proposed age change, (18 up to 21) which would apply to all tobacco products, the regulations would prohibit the sale of tobacco and nicotine-delivery products in all retail locations that have a pharmacy or drug store, cap the number of tobacco sales permits at the current number (and reduce that number through attrition over time) and ban the sale of "blunt wraps" outright, among other items, such as single cigars under $2.50. IN: Tobacco Free Indiana concerned about possible funding cuts. The group wants lawmakers to reconsider a budget proposal that slashes funding for prevention programs by almost 40 percent. Tobacco Free Indiana said if the cuts go through, it’ll lose $3 million in funding. OK: Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CAASA) reports the Oklahoma Bill to Tax E-Cigarettes and More - has been defeated. USA: The Skinny on Anti-Obesity Soda Laws. By Michael L. Marlow. Imposing per-ounce levies or limiting serving sizes is a futile pursuit. I have two big gripes with such paternalistic public-health initiatives: The proposals aren't grounded in data or compelling economic models, and soda taxes might catalyze a dismal chain reaction, with escalating government intrusions on personal freedom. Intentional or Unintentional: By Frank Davis. There was nothing unintentional about it at all. "Smokers will be exiled to the outdoors." We might also look at the particular words she chose to use. She used the word "exile". In Webster's dictionary, "exile" is defined as "the state or a period of forced absence from one's country or home." Exile was often used in antiquity as a form of punishment which removed people from society, very often permanently, without actually killing them. She could have used any number of other words, but she chose a word with a very precise meaning. Australia: The Australian Law of Growing Tobacco Plants. It really is incredible and my heart bleeds for our Australian cousins. UK World's largest cigar auction. Many of the world's wealthiest smokers will flock to Britain's capital on Monday 10 June 2013 for vintage, rare and mature cigars and cigar-related lots at C.Gars Ltd's 8th Vintage Cigar Auction at Boisdale Canary Wharf. World: Smokers Blogs. Watch instant postings to your favorite blogs. |
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Thursday, April 04, 2013
The Property Rights Newsletter April 5, 2013 - Issue #707 "If you're going to be crazy,you have to get paid for it or else you're going to be locked up." - Hunter S. Thompson |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() World: Smokers Blogs. Watch instant postings to your favorite blogs. |
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