Thursday, August 29, 2013
The Property Rights Newsletter August 30, 2013 - Issue #728 "The history of free men is never really written by chancebut by choice; their choice!" - Dwight D. Eisenhower |
![]() Electronic Cigarettes: Since smoking bans are all about the second hand smoke, no one could complain about simple water vapor. Water vapor comes off your morning coffee, your soup at lunchtime. There was a problem, a big problem! Big Pharmaceutical wants to be the only retailer of other Nicotine Delivery Systems. Since Electronic Cigarettes cut into their gum and other sales, they were doomed to be banned. Anything that gets in the Antis way of making money has to go. See photos of the new industry that has scared the Antis. Electronic, but Maybe Not Online. The Food and Drug Administration is considering a ban on online sales of electronic cigarettes, as part of a package of regulations the agency is readying for the increasingly popular devices, people familiar with the matter said. E-cigarettes aren't yet regulated by the agency, which is poring over scientific research about the devices as it fine-tunes its proposed rules. FDA spokeswoman Jennifer Haliski confirmed the rules were being developed but declined to comment on whether the agency had a deadline for putting them out for comment. ![]() If Obesity is a Disease, Then I'm Harry Freaking Potter. In case you haven't heard, get out from under your rock and pay attention now, obesity was recently labeled as a disease by the American Medical Association. That's right, obesity has joined the ranks of cancer, heart disease, and everything House ever diagnosed. ![]() Talking cigarette will now tell you to quit smoking. Researchers from Stirling University's Centre for Tobacco Control Research in the UK created two talking cigarette packets with different messages. The technology behind the recorded messages is similar to the one used in singing birthday cards where a message plays when the lid is opened. Public Health Officials Lying About Harm from Second-Hand Smoke. Bayer said that the attitude made him wonder about the decades-old anti-smoking crusade that many have engaged in, specifically wondering if any of the claims proffered by anti-smokers as reasons to oppose smoking had any truth to them. He found that many of the common claims against smoking really have little evidence to back them up. Smoking Bans: When Will Simply Smoking be Illegal? I imagine that only an outright ban of smoking tobacco would be enough to finally create a backlash where a majority of voters, including a great deal of non-smokers, would stand up and say we've gone too far. And I also realize that there are more cancer dangers out there for non-smokers than second-hand smoke. Honestly, there are probably more carcinogens coming from cars sitting in traffic and sizzling fajitas at your favorite restaurant than most people encounter from smokers nowadays. ![]() NY: Doctors support raising the smoking age. Teenagers looking to buy cigarettes in New York may have to look elsewhere if a city council proposal is approved and signed by Mayor Michael Bloomberg. The proposal would raise the legal age to buy any form of tobacco from 18 to 21. But will it be effective in limiting smoking among young people? Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Why I changed my mind on weed. I traveled around the world to interview medical leaders, experts, growers and patients. I spoke candidly to them, asking tough questions. What I found was stunning. World Smokers News: See today's breaking news about smoking. World Smokers Blogs: Watch instant postings to your favorite blogs. |
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Thursday, August 22, 2013
The Property Rights Newsletter August 23, 2013 - Issue #727 "Everyone thinks of changing the world,but no one thinks of changing himself." - Leo Tolstoy |
![]() Social worker attacked with box cutter in dispute over nicotine gum. Police say Smith drove to the police station with blood pouring from his face and needed 22 stitches. Johnson told police Smith had broken a promise to buy him Nicorette gum. ![]() The Real Reason Behind Public Smoking Bans. Don't count on lighting up a cigarette while you're at the beach. "I discovered the evidence was really weak," explained lead author Ronald Bayer, a professor at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health. "The evidence of harm to non-smokers on the beach or in a park from someone smoking is virtually non-existent." ![]() TN: Smoking opponents take fight outside in Chattanooga. If smokers had a map showing where they are allowed to light up in Chattanooga, the boundaries over the past five years would seem as shifting and unreliable as, well, smoke. The number of outdoor smoking bans also has increased. ![]() UK: Bullies' Bulletin #1. Our worldwide summary of how freedoms are being classified, stamped, licenced, restricted, abolished - and occasionally enhanced. "Behavioural Insights Team." Wales: Wales Merthyr Town stadium named after E-cigarette, the Cigg-e Stadium. Brent Carter, Merthyr Town's business development manager, said: "For the football club itself it brings stability for next three years. We have got an academy with 180 kids here and it's great for the community." ![]() |
![]() World Smokers Blogs: Watch instant postings to your favorite blogs. |
Thursday, August 15, 2013
The Property Rights Newsletter August 16, 2013 - Issue #726 "Nothing made by brute force lasts."- Robert Louis Stevenson |
![]() Interview with Dr. Travis Baggett on tobacco use and other health problems among homeless people. Dr. Travis Baggett is an instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. Stephen Morrissey, the interviewer, is the Managing Editor of The New England Journal of Medicine. Narcissists, Psychopaths, and Other Bad Guys. What do personality labels contribute to popular discourse? By Steven Reidbord, M.D., Psychology Today. A patient of mine recently observed that the increasing use of the the term "psychopath" in popular media is really a disguised way of criticizing selfishness. Dressing up selfishness as an odd and frightening clinical disorder - slapping a diagnostic label on it - makes for catchy news copy, and grants pundits emotional distance between themselves and those monsters who look just like us, but who lack the empathy and remorse that make us human. I immediately thought of how narcissism had its heyday in popular culture very recently as well, and to similar ends. Narcissists and psychopaths care only about themselves, and have no qualms about hurting and sacrificing others when it suits their purposes. These are dangerous people lurking among us; all the more reason to publish lightweight magazine and newspaper pieces on how to spot them in the wild. ![]() Boycott the XX Commonwealth Games in Glasgow 2014. There is a campaign underway to boycott the Winter Olympic Games in Russia because of their discrimination of gays in Russia. I suggest we start a campaign to boycott the Glasgow Games because of discrimination of people who smoke. People should not be discriminated against because of their religion, sexual orientation, race, or any life style choices. Scotland: Smoking: a crime worse than urinating on someone's shoes. Friends often ask me why I stand up for smokers' rights when I'm not only not a smoker but actively suffer when people smoke heavily in my presence. Well, I'm not sure if it's the sanctimoniousness, the thin-lipped puritanism, or the sheer pleasure they clearly take in telling others how to live their lives; but whatever it is when I hear the acronym ASH, it makes me want to puff on a fat stogie like it's going out of fashion. UK:The places where the pubs are boarded up. The Great British Beer Festival is under way - a celebration of real ale and British pub culture. But in some parts of the UK, pubs are in perilous decline. So what happens to all of these abandoned pubs when they have pulled their final pint? Towns like Blackburn with large Muslim populations have seen some of them converted into Islamic centres or mosques in recent years. World: Smokers Blogs. Watch instant postings to your favorite blogs. |
![]() Please Donate. |
Thursday, August 08, 2013
The Property Rights Newsletter August 9, 2013 - Issue #725 "Ambition is a dream with a V8 engine."- Elvis Presley |
![]() If you are really concerned so much about your health then don't ban smoking... Buy a gas mask. MT: Are Great Falls "smoke shacks" violating the Clean Indoor Air Act? The owners say they meet international standards for ventilation in smoking lounges. Smith argued the rooms are a net positive for second-hand smoke. USA: Old tobacco playbook gets new use by e-cigarettes. And what have the FDA, CDC, anti-smoking groups and pharmaceutical funded philanthropic organizations done to encourage better solutions than their ineffective NRT products? Nothing. Consumer oriented e-ciggies threatens market share of both the traditional tobacco and pharmaceutical companies. It also reduces state revenue from punitive taxes and the MSA. The Tobacco Control playbook has never been about health. It's all about money. USA: The Great Menthol Coverup. Last week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, as part of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, released a report saying that menthol cigarettes likely pose a greater public health risk than regular cigarettes. The only problem with the report is that it ignores data (including FDA's own research) showing menthols to be safer. Lebanon: Courts Kill Smoking Ban. When the law banning smoking in enclosed public spaces passed, some Lebanese wondered if it was a priority. Smokers and business-owners bet that the law would not even be implemented. But it did not occur to anyone that the courts would spearhead the effort to render it ineffective. New Zealand: South African chef "too fat" to live in New Zealand. Immigration officials said Albert Buitenhuis, who weighs 130kg (286 pounds), did not have "an acceptable standard of health". He now faces expulsion despite shedding 30kg since he moved to the city of Christchurch six years ago. Scotland: Will the persecution of smokers ever stop under Conservatives? By Brian Monteith. In June this year, our Coalition Government agreed a general response to the European Commission's Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) at a meeting of European health ministers in Luxembourg. Unfortunately, because the Conservative Public Health Minister, Anna Soubry, avoided the House of Commons European Scrutiny Committee, Members of Parliament were denied the opportunity to discuss the directive and the ramifications of its proposals are only now beginning to emerge. UK: Everything Not Forbidden Is Compulsory. The past few days have seen a few developments on the medicines regulations front, ranging from the release by the MHRA of new guidelines concerning the procedure and requirements for acquiring Marketing Authorisation for e-cig related substances and associated devices, to the full text of the advice from Sir Francis Jacobs QC to ECITA. We've also seen the UK release of the Vype cigalike by British American Tobacco. UK: Petition from Forest - No, ThankEU. Under a new Tobacco Products Directive EU bureaucrats want to ban slim and menthol cigarettes. They want to outlaw packs of ten, and prohibit small pouches of roll your own tobacco. They want to severely regulate the shape and size of cigarette packets, and increase the graphic health warnings. If, like us, you support choice not control, make your voice heard NOW! World: Smokers Blogs. Watch instant postings to your favorite blogs. Translate this Newsletter to other languages including; Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Welsh. |
![]() Movies everyone should watch... more than once! |
Thursday, August 01, 2013
The Property Rights Newsletter August 2, 2013 - Issue #724 "Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth."- Albert Einstein |
![]() Anti-Smoking Researcher Misleads Public with Invalid Comparison of E-Cigs and Nicotine Inhaler: Correct Analysis Shows that Nicotine Inhalers Have Higher Amounts of Six Carcinogens. By Dr. Michael Siegel. On his tobacco blog last week, Dr. Stan Glantz argued that nicotine inhalers are safer than electronic cigarettes as a harm reduction product based on a comparison he made between the amounts of several carcinogens in e-cigarette cartridges and nicotine inhaler cartridges. Actually, the comparison was between levels of these chemicals in the vapor produced from these cartridges. The data were taken from a paper by Goniewicz et al. that reported levels of various constituents of e-cigarette vapor and used a nicotine inhaler as a reference product. FDA Preliminary Scientific Evaluation of Menthol: Inadequate for Regulatory Action. By Brad Rodu. This is the opening salvo in FDA regulatory action that could eliminate or restrict around 30 percent of the American cigarette market. There were no significant findings: "... menthol in cigarettes is not associated with increased or decreased smoke toxicity." There were no significant findings: "... a clear relationship cannot be drawn." British American Tobacco: Pursues 'Safer' Cigarette. London-based British American Tobacco (BAT) said Monday that it would launch a 6-month controlled study of "reduced toxicant" cigarettes in which effects on respiratory function will be evaluated in current smokers. It follows an earlier, shorter trial published last month that evaluated the prototypes for effects on blood biomarkers of toxicant exposure. Australia: Now The Australian Medical Association Says "No Evidence." And, underlining the need for caution when assessing the effectiveness of plain packaging, the study found there were "no significant differences in the proportion of plain and branded pack smokers who thought frequently about the harms of smoking or thought smoking harms had been exaggerated." ![]() Jamaica: Tobacco use and citizens' rights. SINCE the imposition of the "smoking ban" last Monday, July 15, more and more voices of concern are being raised regarding certain aspects of the regulation, including tourism interests, business owners, as well as parliamentarians from both sides of the House. And it is not true, as Attorney General Patrick Atkinson is reported in the press as saying, that the opposition is only from smokers seeking to continue their unhealthy habit where and when they please. There are many non-smokers, including myself, who have been very concerned, not only with the untidy and hurried way in which the legislation was brought into effect, but also with aspects of the regulations which are clearly excessive and overreaching. A society's laws and regulations ought to protect the rights of its citizens, without impinging on the rights of others. Once our laws overstep these bounds into "this is what is best for you", we enter the realm of morality laws. This is what dictatorships and fundamental theocratic states do - it has no place in a free and democratic society. ![]() UK: Lads' mags given 'modesty bag' deadline by The Co-op. "The publishers of these magazines now have until 9 September to start providing their own modesty bags, after which any lads' magazine which does not have the relevant bag will not be supplied in our stores." World: Smokers Blogs. Watch instant postings to your favorite blogs. |
![]() Read - Lighten Up with James Leavey |